Originally Posted by
Bjorn Berg
Bjorn had just entered the British Ministry of Magic for the first time, with his candidate Erik Vinteren at his side. Gazing about him, he had noted the large fountain and intricate designs on the ceiling. Impressive, quite impressive. "A much more grandiose style than the Norwegian Ministry, no?" he said conversationally to his companion.
Proceeding through the Atrium, he then came to the entrance for the debate. Digging through his pocket, he handed a shiny object to his companion. Bjorn had taken the liberty of bringing matching name tags for himself and Erik. Made of brushed silver, they were engraved with their names as well as "BoG Candidate" and "BoG Campaign Manager" respectively. Bjorn Berg was all about class. Plus, he abhorred those paper sticky types, and the odds of those being present were too high for him to risk. Always be prepared. Look professional, classy. That was the beginning of his subtle manipulation of minds this evening.
Now, to begin schmoozing.
Erik had been here before, but not in some time. He nodded simply to Berg's question, not really in the mood to talk about home.
"Quite." He liked it though, as much as he hated to admit it. It was aesthetic.
And speaking of aesthetics...Erik took the shiny thing from his manager with a puzzled expression before he realized what it was.
"Nice touch," he said with a smirk, affixing it to his
suit near the chest pocket. He ambled along just behind his manager, his eyes always busy taking in who else was present and who was not. He recognized many of these people from his research...and ah, there was one of his fellow candidates now.
Erik nudged Bjorn's arm and gestured for him to follow over toward a blonde woman.
Originally Posted by
Some people might compare the way the way the blonde BOG candidate was stalking into the entrance hall to a solider going to battle. Gracefully, of course. She couldn't afford to be anything but graceful. Not after the last debate. Not with the way she'd been baited and most certainly after the whole babbling incident. Though babbling might work. Surely did for a certain department head. Or appeared to, anyway. Which reminded her that she needed to have a talk with her own department head and the Board of Elections. Because there was no way that woman (and she was using the term lightly) could've won that last debate. But first, she had to speak with her maybe cohort and her campaign manager. Speaking of which, where the hell WAS Raelynn?!
Roxanne was almost so wrapped in these thoughts that she didn't notice the four other people in the hall. But as they were so wrapped up in their own conversations, she didn't feel the need to spare them a passing glance. Except for one's rather poor choice of date, which received an slightly irritated eye roll, unnoticeable unless you were really watching her. She would deal with that later. For now, she just kept stalking past and into the Ministry's stupid little bash. Which was sure to be a lot duller than her own New Years Party the night before. These Ministry functions always were dull..... "Roxanne," he greeted her with his hand out for a shake. It was politer than just sneaking up.
"How are you doing?" He liked her suit. She really looked great.