Originally Posted by
Haha, in my defense it was Ali that had the vision, so murder Abi figuratively!

Don't you blame me! I just did what I was told! I like living in thte figurative world!
Alicia skipped out of the room, ignoring the glare she could feel on her back, and waved at the portrait.
Thanks!” she called as she moved through the crowd that was heading towards breakfast. Several people double glanced as she past, the male population whistling, running their eyes over the leather and the female half glaring. Jamie was waiting outside the Hall, leaning against the wall. “
I see you got my present, then,” she called as she drew closer, making him start and slide down the wall a little. Her eyes travelled over the black skinny jeans and black short sleeved shirt, a small smile appearing on her face.
What are you wearing?” Jamie asked as Alicia skipped up to him. He shot a glare over his shoulder at a seventh year Hufflepuff, who hurried into the Hall. She kissed his cheek and swept his hair to the right, letting her see his blue eyes.
You like it?” she asked, giggling as she spun. He pretended to think about it but she already knew his answer.
Like it? I think it’s amazing,” he said, pulling her closer. Her hair turned blonde as she smiled against his lips.
Wait till I tell Alicia you’re cheating,” Harry’s voice said from behind them and Alicia laughed, turning round. “
Hey… Um, nice outfit.”
Thank you… We can go inside, they won’t mind… We’ll save them seats,” Alicia said, linking her arm through Jamie’s and grabbing Hermione’s hand. “
Oh, sorry about yesterday, Ron,” she said over her shoulder and the red head smiled as whistles filled the air.
I have a feeling that I don’t want to know the answer, but why are you wearing that?” Hermione said as they slid onto the benches. Alicia put her bag on the seat next to her and Jamie’s bag opposite it, saving them for Emily and Draco.
I’ll explain that tonight… Remember, seven, Room of Requirement,” she said, lowering her voice. “
And, don’t worry; you’ve all got an outfit too.”
Now, I’m scared,” Ron muttered and Alicia laughed.
There they are!” she said, waving a hand in the air. Whistles sounded again as Emily walked towards them, her hand interlaced with Draco’s, who shot Jamie a loaded look as he sat next to Alicia.
Stop fidgeting; you look great,” Emily said as Draco squirmed again. Alicia picked up on the thoughts running through her head and rolled her eyes, making Emily blush.
You’re biased,” Draco muttered, making Alicia chuckle.
That’s debatable, but regardless, Draco, you’re absolutely sexy right now,” Emily said seriously. Draco sent her an arched eyebrow and a smirk. Emily blushed as she turned her attention back to her breakfast.
Honestly, you’re acting as if you just started dating. Why do you keep blushing?” Jamie asked in amusement, which only made Emily blush more.
I assume it has something to do with last night,” Harry answered with his own little smirk, making Draco start laughing quietly as Emily pulled her hand away from his.
Emily huffed, glaring at the blonde in irritation. “
We’ll see if you get any tonight,” she muttered, causing everyone around them to laugh except for Draco. “
Can’t wait until you see Remus; then we’ll see who’s blushing,” she said confidently and he shot her a horrified glare. She smiled devilishly as she threw her bag over her shoulder and stood from the table, making her way to their first class of the day, the others following behind her.
Draco caught up with Emily, throwing his arm over her shoulder and a glare at any male who dared look her way. Alicia skipped forwards, getting in front of them and turning to walk backwards so that she could grin at them.
Maybe you should where this outfit every day,” Draco whispered hopefully in Emily’s ear, ignoring Alicia.
As much as jealousy is adorable on you, I don’t fancy having everybody stare at me every day,” Emily answered as she wrapped her arm around his waist.
I am not jealous,” Draco cried incredulously.
Right, then you don’t care that I’ve had numerous males come up and ask me out, telling me to ditch my new husband?” She felt Draco’s hand clench around her shoulder and saw his jaw twitch. Alicia laughed loudly at the look on his face.
Who asked you out?” he asked in irritation.
Doesn’t matter,” she replied airily, watching as Alicia walked through the doorway backwards.
Then you won’t mind telling me,” he shot back.
Why? So you can go hex them? I’d rather not.” Draco muttered something under his breath and Emily chuckled quietly. “
What are we doing tonight?” Emily asked Alicia as they sat down in one of the rows, waiting for class to begin.
First, can I say that between the two of you, I know way too much than I should,” she said, turning her chair round so that her arms rested against the back. Emily blushed again and she ignored it. “
Second, when we were in the DA, we only focused on mastering the spells- we need to be able to work together, as a team, otherwise we’ll end up hitting each other.”
We’re going to get team work lessons?” Jamie asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
You have a problem with that?” she said absently, digging through her bag for something.
Sort of- where do the outfits come into it again?” he asked and Alicia shot him a blinding smile.
Well, first, they’re practical- won’t hinder us when we’re fighting… Second, I like you in skinny jeans.” She squeezed his knee affectionately.
Third, you like the attention the leather is giving you,” Emily said quietly, low enough that Jamie couldn’t hear.
Not with everyone, but from Jamie? Obviously,” she retorted and Emily laughed at the innocent look on her face. “
Here comes McGonagall in three- two- one,” she said, her voice returning to its normal volume.