BAH. She's telling me to make Alyssa mean. I DON'T WANT TO! D: "But you won't do it, Elinor. He's not our kind. He's cute and all, but if you give it some time, you'll see that no self-respecting woman would be caught dead married to him. Now James had what you needed; He was handsome, wealthy enough for the both of you, he had a marvelous job-- Why do you think I paid for that wedding? I wanted you to have that. But this... this person you brought to my house today makes me disappointed in you, Elinor. I'm sure you must be lonely. It's been quite a long time, I know. But you can't be taken in by these... these mudbloods." He decided not to press the matter, and went off on a related train of thought. "It's silly to think that I had the same concerns about you and Elinor here today. I was afraid it would either be Elinor and Alyssa, or you and Alyssa, or you and I, even. It wasn't you and Alyssa, and I applaud your tolerance. It certainly isn't you and I... So... Knowing Elinor's pluck, which she inherited from her mother, I'm deeply concerned about what, exactly is going on in that sitting room. Who will need to be rescued from whom," he mused, smiling despite his genuine concern. "As I said before, I don't know you, Mr. Garrettson. But I trust my daughter, and although I don't know her as well as I know I ought, I like to think I at least..." he couldn't word the end of his sentence, so he tried again after a brief pause. "I trust you. I envy you for whatever you have done to make her so happy. But it's time I cut to the chase, because I know how I'm sounding..."
The old man lifted the glass again, sipped from it, and paced over to the fireplace. "I'm dying, Mr. Garrettson." He took another drink. "Slowly but surely. I don't want my youngest daughter to... It's not..."
Frustrated once again, he turned back towards the thin man. "If you ever have children, Mr. Garrettson, you'll understand me better. It's not something I can explain. But I am thankful for you, perhaps, in a way, more than Elinor can ever be. Of my three children I have, the only one I hold great concern for is Elinor. She's always had that need for-for someone there. Not to take care of her, obviously, but she needs someone to take care of. She needs people, and, unfortunately, she invested in me more than she did her mother or sisters. I feel awful that I couldn't understand that at the time. So... I don't know how to explain myself, or-or justify the things I've said to you. I don't even think I can... But... You... I..."
He resigned himself once again, unable to keep himself from sounding like he had no idea what he was talking about. The older man turned silent and downed the last of what was in his glass. |