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Old 02-01-2013, 12:14 AM   #67 (permalink)
Formerly: Tegz
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Ronnie Thurkell
Seventh Year

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lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet

Originally Posted by McFeisty View Post

What would she bring to the table - and yes she did agree five months of not knowing was not a good idea. She just made a mental note to take a long hot bath and have a much needed glass of fire whiskey before bed. "Alright. You want to know what i'll bring to the table?" She asked - her tone growing even more firm as she spoke.

Not because of being frazzled - well maybe this woman was a little bit of a handful. But more because she was passionate. And when she was asked what she would bring to the table nine times out of ten she'd get a gleam in her eyes and look almost positively ferocious.

"I'm the middle-girl in a family with four older brothers. So with that said I know how to talk to pushy and overbearing people." She nodded, "And I'm a people person I went for a minor in communications and politics in university." she just gritted her teeth a bit thinking back on her career - sure it was speckled with some strange things but she was over all a good person. Or at least she thought so. "I'm one of those people who when asked to get something - no matter how strange or bizarre it is I will try and get it. And if its a matter that needs to be done in rather a discreet manor I will do so with ease."

Keaira was a little relieved that Althea had offered for her to stick around - heck she'd stick around and worm her little way into the campaign. Just as the board of elections wanted her to do. Because really the board of elections wasn't a bad place at all.

Keaira knew she was going to get hired eventually - because there was no way around it. She was just that much of a go-getter. "Another good quality is that I know how to delegate responsibility. I have been involved in student government and I ran a campaign in Egypt recently for a wonderful woman running to be head of the head of the Anch Association of Ancient Egyptian Archeology". she nodded. "And I'm pleased to note that Mrs. Isis Molinero did, with my help win the election with a landslide." She nodded. In a hushed tone she added, "That may in part be due to the fact that I found all these inconsistencies with the other candidates...for example one woman wasn't even trained in archeology."

Keaira gave Althea a slightly nervous smile. She talked a lot. "Oh and I can talk a lot and get other people to just accept me...basically use my skills and I won't bother you as much as possible." She smiled.
"Obviously." Althea said when the younger woman rephrased her question back at her. No actually, she just asked to say words. For funsies. The actual question didn't matter.

She listened when Keaira spoke, not particularly impressed with this business about older brothers blah blah. That had very little bearing on her professional qualifications. She waved off the last part and asked, "A minor in communications and politics? What did you major in then?" As in, what were her legitimate qualifications, the on paper stuff that might make someone like Althea look at her twice? Because the rest? Was all talk. "I won't be asking you to fetch me things, unless you'd prefer for me to hire you as a gopher." She raised one eyebrow, wondering why this woman thought that playing fetch for 'strange' and 'bizarre' things in a discreet manner was something to brag about, or indeed something she felt the need to offer to Althea.



Althea was listening but still not wholly impressed. AND suspicious of motives and the reason for all of this to begin with. Her apparent skills for getting people to accept her weren't exactly working like a charm on Althea.

She leaned forward and spoke quietly herself, so that only Keaira here would hear her words. "Well. I suppose if you autonomously," As in, on her own, with nothing to do with Althea whatsoever, "manage to find 'inconsistencies' amongst the candidates here today, of the variety that would eliminate them from the running, I'd possibly consider taking you on board in a minor role." Very minor. Manager? No.

She straightened up. "I require you to send your resume to my office by the end of the day, and I'll look over it at my leisure and get back to you." And that was as good of a concession as she would get from Althea Schirmer.

love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
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