Text Cut: Catch up #1
Originally Posted by
Lezleighd She walked towards the first row of desks and then continued, “Speaking of young voters…How old do you have to be to vote in different regions or countries? For instance, in the United States, you must be 18 to vote.”
OOC: Remember Gemma’s watching you…see you in a few with another question…
"18 here, Professor," Alice told her, along with many of the other students. But, really? Was she expected to pay attention to other places, too? SO many things these professors wanted her to know. It seemed that they were just supposed to learn everything outside of class and come to the lesson and spout out loads of answers.
Well, SHE was not capable of that.
Text Cut: Catch up #2
Originally Posted by
Lezleighd "So let's think about the age of voting...at what age do you think a voter should be to be allowed to vote in the Board of Governor elections coming up and make sure you have a solid reason for your age...." she said excitedly...she was always excited to ask a question that required the students to think on their own and justify themselves.
Age? For THIS election? Well, Alice wanted to be able to vote, obviously, so it had to be pretty young.
"I'd say anyone at Hogwarts should be able to, Professor," she stated, EYEING the people who had named any age older than fourteen.
"It's our school, yeah? So everyone who goes here should get a say if they want." Like HER.
Text Cut: Catch up #3
Originally Posted by
Lezleighd "Think about elections of the past, both Muggle and Wizard, both nationally or locally. Can you think of an example where the candidate did something that was specifically designed to catch the eyes and ears of younger voters?" she asked and then added, "For example, when I was younger here at Hogwarts, we had a class elected Student Government. The person running for President promised some amazing things, such as butterbeer machines in the Great Hall and a Snog Zone in the Courtyard, and many people voted for him because of that...despite the fact that the Headmistress of that time would've never approved that and that this boy was responsible for loosing over 400 pts for his house that term...luckily he lost by three votes in the end."
Alice tilted her head as the professor went on to describe some kind of Hogwarts student government. While she didn't have any answers about what the professor had asked, she DID have comments on that little story.
"Snogging zones would be absolutely repulsive, professor." Just saying. And though that didn't have anything at all to do with the election talk, Alice felt the need to say it.
Just so no one would get any ideas about snogging zones NOW.
Because no. That was disgusting.
Text Cut: Catch up #4
Originally Posted by
Lezleighd Pausing, she walked towards the board and flipped it so it was clean, "So think about how important Hogwarts is to you and maybe some of the issues or great things you see at Hogwarts, if you were the Master of Ceremony at the Debate, what questions would you like to ask the Candidates for the Board of Governors?" she asked as she wrote the word Questions and underlined it on the board.
Questions? Alice ALWAYS had questions.
"I'd ask why they were running, like everyone else, of course." That one was kind of obvious. "I'd want to know what their qualifications were, what their plans for the school were, all that." What else could she think of? Hmm.
"Y'know what I think would be another good question to ask? Like, if they had to pick ONE, and only ONE issue that they think Hogwarts had to fix, what would it be and how would they go about fixing it? It's kind of like asking about their plans, but I think it's better to ask for only one, so we know what their priorities are." Breaaaathe. Okay. That was enough talking for a bit.
.. oh, the lesson was over already? Oh. Well. Okay. At least she hadn't fallen asleep this time, yeah?