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Old 01-29-2013, 02:28 PM
MeredithRodneyMckay MeredithRodneyMckay is offline
Default Transfiguration Lesson One

The Transfiguration classroom was set up exactly as it usually was the only difference being that Professor Magnus' desk had been moved to the side of the room instead of being by the back wall. In it's place stood a large curtained cubicle with a raised floor, much like a shower. To the side of that is a little table, upon which sits a small bucket filled with shoelaces.

The professor is stood in the middle of the room, smile on her face and rocking back and forth on her heels, ready to great you.

OOC: My internet is coming and going due a fault on our phone line, so my replies might be infrequent. Please have your character enter though, take a seat, chat a little and I'll try and start class on time!