There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa listened and understood what everybody was saying. Like every organization there is a board of directors or like in this case of Hogwarts, a Board of Governors. They help make sure that things stay on track and that the money that is allocated to the organization or the school is wisely spent and that the sole purpose of the school and the educators was to educate the students and prepare them for the future. She understood all that...and the need to have them around. But why so visible now? But that was a question to be answered at another time.
Her question for them would be, and Alyssa raised her hand. "Professor I would ask them, if they found something that needs changing, would they consult the staff and the students first before making a change...I mean like gather a general consensus...before they implement the change?" and she paused to consider Milton's question.
"Yes I agree with Milton on that too. What makes them think that they should be the one voted in? What makes them think that they are better or more qualified than the rest?"