Originally Posted by
Lezleighd "Think about elections of the past, both Muggle and Wizard, both nationally or locally. Can you think of an example where the candidate did something that was specifically designed to catch the eyes and ears of younger voters?" she asked and then added, "For example, when I was younger here at Hogwarts, we had a class elected Student Government. The person running for President promised some amazing things, such as butterbeer machines in the Great Hall and a Snog Zone in the Courtyard, and many people voted for him because of that...despite the fact that the Headmistress of that time would've never approved that and that this boy was responsible for loosing over 400 pts for his house that term...luckily he lost by three votes in the end."
Melody twirled her hair bored as she ever could be... OH! something she did know...
"Well it may not been for election or for voting but, Dolores Umbridge used her powers to please the Cornelius Fudge and hide the fact that ... Lord er Voldemort." There she went again almost called Voldemort, Lord Voldemort. She was warned by this. Not everyone had the same political views as her family did even after so many years had passed... which meant she would have too choose her words carefully
,"was back. She was power hungry and did whatever she could to gain a promotion. She almost used a forbidden curse to get what she want. And I bet she would possibly twist the story around to look even better in Fudge's point of view, and gain more power... if she got away with it. As evil as she seemed to most people... I assume. It was very well played out. Instead of pleasing the people she pleased her boss to climb up the corporate ladder."