SPOILER!!: Professor
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She shook her head up and down at the students' many answers, "Yes, yes , yes...most countries require that you are 18 to vote, but some have a 21 age...interesting that some even allow 16 year olds if they are working full time..." she paused and let that sink in for a minute, "And like mentioned some countries have limitations on who can and cannot vote." she added the last but didn't dwell on it too long.
"Now there are a variety of reasons that many countries choose 18 or 21 as their ages to vote...many believe that if you are old enough to go into the military or armed services then you should be old enough to vote....and some believe that you should wait until 21 because they consider you an adult at that point." she said very matter of fact...she really didn't have a feeling about either way...she just wanted the students to get out and vote...
"So let's think about the age of voting...at what age do you think a voter should be to be allowed to vote in the Board of Governor elections coming up and make sure you have a solid reason for your age...." she said excitedly...she was always excited to ask a question that required the students to think on their own and justify themselves.
Alyssa thought long and hard before raising her hand. "
Professor I think that the voter should at least possess some level of maturity in their thinking before they can be allowed to vote. I know that some people are saying that as long as one is a student in Hogwarts, that they should be allowed to vote, and I believe that too." Alyssa paused to look around. She knew that what was saying would not be agreed upon by everyone.
But as the same time, we all know that except for a few 1st and 2nd years who are matured in their thinking, most of them aren't. Voting is a big responsibility and shouldn't be taken lightly. So I say from 3rd years onwards. However, if the Head of House deems someone younger than that to be capable of understanding the seriousness of what voting is all about, then they too can vote."
There she had said it. Now she had to prepare herself to be the most unpopular 6th year amongst the young ones after having said that.