Only one post in here? Up for grabs! Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Ohhh, they should've decorated this place in different colors rather than green and blue. As pretty as it was, it was making it more difficult to keep her eyelids open. The new place she lived in was making it hard to sleep. One just can't adjust to going from a city to the countryside without having trouble sleeping, right? Or was it just her? Nah, couldn't be just her. Nevertheless, she'd made herself a cup of coffee, extra sugar, to wake herself up. Resulting to coffee, what was this?
It was tough luck though when her back hit the couch as she sat down. Oh, nooooooo. Had this always been this comfortable? Was she actually laying down or was the room just turning at a weird angle? Were the lights going out or were her eyes shutting? Did she remember to put her coffee on the table or was it now spilling all of the floor?
Good Merlin, she was too tired for these questions.