MUGGLE STUDIES. Yes, Alice was attending the lesson, because she needed a good nap.
Anyone who paid close enough attention could usually spot her taking a nice, long snooze in the corner of the room during class. Because, well, she just didn't understand Muggles. Their little contraptions and trinkets confused the Gryffindor out of her, so she SLEPT during the class. It was better to doze off and catch up on rest than stay awake and stare at everyone with a lost expression on her face, yeah?
But another reason she wasn't skipping class was because Professor Cerulean usually had FOOD.
"Hullo, Professor Cerulean, I trust you had a good summer." The lady got a beam from Alice, too. Because, as much distaste as she held for the subject that she taught, the professor was really quite nice. And gave out sweets. So, obviously, the fourth year adored her.
Now. Where to sit?
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When she saw the professor, Melanie immediately put on a smile. "Hello Professor," she greeted before sliding into a seat. Oh. Look.
Sweets. Were they allowed to eat them now? Melanie didn't exactly want to eat the jello though... where was Queen Alice...? Maybe the younger Gryffindor could eat it for her.
She just counted herself lucky that there was an open spot right next to her best friend, she really did. Alice slipped into the seat eagerly, picking up the spoon even before she had flopped into the chair.
"You going to eat that, Melon?" Because, if not, SHE would. Gladly. It was pretty simple to tell that she was one of those children who ate too much candy, was usually on a sugar high, and had excessive amounts of energy. It wasn't difficult to notice at all.
So, keeping her eyes on the jello before Melanie, she began eating her own, too.