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Old 01-22-2013, 01:11 AM
PhoenixRising PhoenixRising is offline
Lightbulb Arithmancy One: {Life Path, Expression, Heart's Desire, and Maturity Numbers}

Upon entering the Arithmancy classroom, you'll notice that the desks have been rearranged into a semi-circle, with three rows. At the front end is the Professor's desk, where Hadley is sitting in the seat (for once), scribbling on some papers. She glances up when you enter and gives you a brief smile, before returning to finish her task.

There seems to be an extra few chairs present as well, in case for extra guests, but all the chairs look the same and nothing to set any of them apart.

On the board behind Hadley, there's a short note written as well:

"Please take a seat and take out some parchment, Numerology and Grammatica, and a quill. Lesson will begin shortly."

Lesson Progression
* Question One :: What do you know already about Arithmancy?
* Question Two :: What are some of the number calculations that can be used to analyze and interpret people?

* Question Three :: "Which number reveals, in my opinion, a true analysis of a person's identity? ...."
* Question Four :: Of the four numbers presented in chapters 6, 7, 8, and 11; what are they and how do we calculate them?
~ Clarification, courteous of a question/answer by West
* Demonstrating the calculations
* Activity
* The End =)

ooc: if you have not done so already, all Arithmancy Rules apply (as well as site rules). All students are welcome, regardless of age or year.