Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious ... Did the Professor really just ... ask her if she was alright?! Anya was completely alright. She was strutting. Duh.
And was that a nod from Bird!boy? SWEET! She expected loads of chocolates. She flashed him a brilliant smile. Then turned back to Jake. Who, apparently, did not appreciate her Gryffindor bravery in saving a fellow student. He was too concerned about his shirt.
OH!!! Did she seriously get points for saving the lint roller for her brilliant life-saving rescue of the cute little Birdie?! Because. If that was the case... Astronomy might be her favorite class ever! ...even if the Professor did recognize her as a Gryffindor right away. Oh. And weirdly enough... he was a Gryffindor, too?
AND THEY WERE SINGING! UNDER THE STARS! If it was at all proper to declare her love, she would do it on the spot.
Now... what was a good song? Of course, the first song that came to mind was Kiss Me Slowly. She cast a quick sideways glance at Jake. Nah. She couldn't choose that song. Not because it was wildly inappropriate to sing about kissing in class, because, she had no problems with that. It was... a special song in her very on-and-off relationship. ... which currently happened to be in the off mode.
So... she needed to choose another.
Her hand shot up. "Anya Phillips." she said quickly introducing herself. And it was already established that she was a Gryffindor, so she ignored that part.
She cleared her throat, and then in her best deep Italian man voice belted: "When the moon hits your eye...
Like a big pizza pie... THAT'S AMOOOOOORE.
When the stars make you drool...
Just like a pasta fazool... THAT'S AMOOOOOORE."
Yeah. She was pretty sure those were the words.
__________________ I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ ![]( _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You |