01-13-2013, 05:30 AM
HoM: Lesson One Smack dab in the middle of the day, History of Magic may not be the class you want after enjoying a relaxing lunch break but want it or not, it’s what you have. Making your way into the classroom the first thing that hits you is the nice cool breeze coming from the open windows.
At the back of the classroom, away from the last row of desks, happen to be two extremely old chairs. They appear as though they may be on the verge of breaking, but they must be there for a reason.
The desks have been arranged in their normal positions, two side by side. The only real difference happens to be small stack of papers on each desk along with an individual pack of coloured pencils.
As your eyes quickly dart to the front of the classroom you’ll notice that Scabior isn’t in his normal spot leaning against his desk, that would be quite a hard task considering the number of thin books stacked on his desk. Instead he sits behind it, like an actual respectable professor. He however, is not the only one at the front.
Sitting cross legged on a desk chair with wheels is a boy who looks slightly too young to even go to the school. He is continuously spinning around in circles until he catches sight of you, stops, and grins. “HELLLOO! Sit down, sit sit!” Class Progression: Post One Post Two Post Three Post Four Post Five Post Six Post Seven Post Eight Post Nine Post Ten Post Eleven OOC: Class has started! You are welcome to jump in just pretend like your charrie has been there all along! Class will begin in like...20 hours . Please familiarize yourself with the updated classroom rules. Your characters can chat, eat cookies, do a rain dance. Just remember Scabior is there, and SS and RPG rules apply. |