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Old 01-11-2013, 11:05 PM   #185 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lyric Bayliss-Black
Fourth Year
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Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post

The redhead just kept looking at her foot. Huh. Did it REALLY look like that? Her foot, of course, not the mud. Mud always looked like that- disgusting and gooey and such. Although, it was sort of like a free moisturizer. Didn't muggle idiots PAY to take baths in a tub of mud? They called it a spa... Or was that wrong? Eh, she never did really pay attention in muggle studies anyway. It was confusing and there was always food to be eaten there anyways.

Tilting her head to the left, she continued to just stare at her foot. Merlin, she had a tiny foot. Well, she had a tiny pretty much everything. But her small size did not mean that she could not kick whoever crossed her. She rather liked kicking anyway. But that had NOTHING to do with this assignment.

Speaking of kicking, her most frequent victim to kicking was suddenly at her side and spouting off that he was going to look at her print. Woah, woah, woah. Did she not have a say in this? Oh who was she kidding? It was Dylan. They were working together because they just were and also she had a hunch that he was over by her for protection from the older Odessa.

Shrugging at him, she said, "Sounds like a plan. Where's yours, Dyl?" Because she needed to look at his too. And then she had to assess his foot...

...weirdest assignment EVER. And that included flossing man eating plants teeth. Oh Bentley.
Oh, good. His best friend was agreeing. Not that she had too much of a say, anyway. Really.

Pointing several feet away, Dylan also ripped the parchment out of his notebook for her to reference...After doing so, he started a new page, labeling it and such...

SPOILER!!: Dylan's Notebook
Dylan Mortmorency
Slytherin Sixth Year

Divination Lesson One: Ichnomancy
Ichnomancy (from ichno- "track, footstep" + -mancy "method of divination") is the divination of a person's qualities (e.g., posture, position) or character (i.e., personality) by means of footprints or other such human-made tracks.
Reading the Prints

SPOILER!!: Footprint

Partnered with: Selina Skylar

Getting face level with the print, the Slytherin tried to image what she was thinking while making it...Surely that would help in his interpretation. Glancing over at her, he didn't think she looked particularly hungry...or sleepy...or grouchy...

When in doubt, make stuff up.

"So...I think your footprint says that you are a forceful person, since the whole thing looks deep. You must have stomped...instead of stepped." Beam! "...If I were to come across this print in a day to day setting..." Ahem, most likely he would. They were usually together these days..."I'd want to turn around and go another way...because I'd think the path ahead was dangerous."...Okay, so maybe he wouldn't turn away, really.

Dylan DID like danger. It was because of this odd liking that he figured he'd die at a young age...

"Also, I think what this says about that you very straightforward and blunt."
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________

Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
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