She nodded at the girl's statement but gave no further answer. There was no way she was going to chance it. For all she knew the girl might have been horrible--not saying she was but Lex needed to prove that before telling her it was nice to meet her or anything like that.
Right. Back to the print. She plopped down in the sand and began scribbling. Every now and then she would look back at it to make sure she was getting it right but she was pretty sure that it was going just fine.
SPOILER!!: Parchment with Interpretation
After carefully looking at these prints I think I've got a pretty good idea of what it's saying. Her toes length aren't all that long. If I'm right she could be scattered brain...not much logic I'm guessing. The arch is long or well it looks long so I'll call it that which means she's rather aware. That sorta makes up for the lack of brains maybe; I hope it does. The heel is pretty deep too. This means she's healthy, very healthy and the Healer won't have an extra student to worry about anytime soon. She'll appreciate this.
As she scrawled the final words onto the parchment she heard someone shouting. Quite curious she looked over and her mouth fell open.
Was she stupid or something?! Why in merlin's beard would
anyone say that to a Professor. Uuuuugh. Lex braced herself for the point loss but really she felt the girl deserved a detention. Stupidity was something one deserved to be personally punished for.
Ah hah, and she got it. Good. Nice work Professor. Here's to hoping she grew a brain while she was down in the dungeons.