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Old 01-10-2013, 04:54 AM   #12 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Default Kazi mention FTW! *FLAILS IN YO FACE*

Originally Posted by demented_death_eater View Post
Rawdon picked at his cookie in a very un-Vindictus-like manner. "The headmistress has probably sent word to Uncle Max by now and he's probably told Uncle Rex which means father knows but he's always at work and he won't say anything to mum until she gets my letter." Sigh. "Sometimes being a Vindictus sucks. Maybe I should change my last name to Kazimeriz."

The cookie was now forgotten. "Can we write the letter tomorrow, Addy? Just thinking about it has made me lose my appetite."

He leaned back on the couch and realized that the common room was rather quiet. "Is it always this quiet in here?"
Addy watched Rawdy for a long moment as he picked at his cookie. Perhaps he fancied an apple slice instead? She shook the bag at him and smiled. "Well, it would still be nice of you to tell them yourself, no?" YES IT WOULD BE!

... Kazimeriz! Addy knew that name from her cousin Lexi. Kazimeriz had helped her brew a potion not that far back... one that would help her lovely cousin with her bouts of crazy. Heh. "I have much respect for Professor Kazimeriz, but you should definitely remain a Vindictus. Vindictuses are awesome!" Fact. "And really you should set yourself apart from your family. Strike out on your own. Make a name for yourself that is solely based on YOUR particular skill set. Seems like the best course of action, in my opinion." YERP.

"Of course we can! I will help you with it first thing if you'd like. Maybe over some breakfast since you have no appetite now. And really, I don't think you should let it get to you much. Any house would have been lucky to have you. Your mother should embrace that." Not that Addy had much experience in the whole HOUSE thing. Her dad and mum BOTH had been Ravenclaws and she didn't know enough about the other family members to care. Heh.

"No. It's typically not... Can't be sure WHERE everyone is. Maybe they are off being BAD little Eagles... maybe up to no good in the corridors and such." She wiggled her brows and giggled. Maybe SHE should go wander around and do BAD things. This was, after all, her last term at Hogwarts.
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