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Old 01-09-2013, 03:22 PM   #10 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ariadne Rose
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Originally Posted by Lezleighd View Post
Gemma smiled as she heard the Librarian's voice. She quickly smoothed out her skirt and jacket and headed into his office with her usual bounce in her step....well as much as she could without dropping her pile of books.

She leaned around the pile of books and with a smile said, "Hey Leo! I just wanted to drop by and see if you needed any help organizing things or anything..." she said hoping she didn't sound too desperate to hang out...she just felt like she wasn't close to any of the other faculty members and she had always seemed to get along pretty well with Leo and he wasn't bad to look at either...she felt her cheeks go a little shade of pink, "And, I brought some more Muggle books...." she said hoping he still needed some books to fill the empty spaces, "I still have some friends at the Jeffersonian and they are working to get some more books for you..." she glanced around for an empty spot to put the pile on, "I told them about a library that burned down and so they are going to send us some more books as they come in...." she smiled and shrugged her shoulders almost dropping the pile, "they'll all be muggle books...I hope that's okay...
Leobald looked up as the door to his office opened and at first he only saw a big pile of books until Gemma’s face peeked around the pile. "Good day Gemma!" Leo greeted with a smile. "Are all those books for me, um I mean the library?" he quickly changed it to.

Oblivious to her pinkish toned cheeks he said thoughtfully "Well, we aren’t allowed into the reference section while everything is getting renovated. But I could use some help with fire-proofing books if you're interested? I have to fire-proof every book in the entire library and make a master list of what we lost in the fire so I'll know what to buy or beg for people to donate." And that included the storage room. Shuddering at the thought Leo quickly focused on the muggle book’s Gemma had brought with her.

Standing up he walked around his desk to stand next to Gemma and look through the book pile with interest. "Muggle books will be splendid." Seeing the all the different genres he beamed. "This will be very useful. Please thank the Jeffersonian from me when you correspond with them."

Deciding to change the topic Leo asked "Did you do anything fun during the break?"
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