There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Alyssa's nose twitched and then scrunched up. 'Holy Merlin!! Who died up here?' she thought to herself as she took a whiff of the smell and almost gagged on entering the area that Professor Bentley had led them to.
"OH WOW!! It can't be....can it?" Alyssa asked no one in particular. She had heard about the infamous Weasley swamp but she had never really seen...or in real life and up close. She held her breath as she took a step closer to the edge of the swamp and looked as it bubbled like a witch's brewing pot.
"COOL!!" Alyssa smiled. 'I wonder whether I can duplicate this back home?' she smiled to herself.
'I guess this is the ecosystem we're going to be working with.' Alyssa thought to herself. She couldn't wait for class to end so that she could run back to her dorm and write back to the family about what she had seen today. Another one for the family history books.