Talikins|Huffledor|Purple|Ted Velvet| |Lochnessie|Redhead|Bladger|⅓ Ferocious Trio
New Quidditch Official. Kind of exciting.
Of course Ness would miss old Vindi, he was quite a character but maybe this Professor James would be just as good? Who knew? They'd all have to wait and see. Curious about this Professor James she was though and her curiousity always got the better of her which was why, the day after the feast, the red head headed towards where the Vindi's office used to be.
That's what she smelled as she neared the door. It smelled lovely and it smelled weirdly inviting. The door was open, which Ness took as a sign that students were allowed inside. She took a step into the classroom and looked around facinated. Quite beautifully decorated, very cosy too. She liked it. "Professor James?" The Captain said and then plonked down on the comfy looking couch.