Text Cut: Mo and Lex
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Lex nodded in acknowledgement of Alice's apology. "I guess he does. If they end up sharing a common room then he'll need to know that he has to be careful." Her attention shifted to the people moving around the platform after that so she almost never heard Mo saying something about snogging. She thought the conversation was going downhill again and she willed herself to not listen but then she heard Alice saying that she was trying out. She looked over at the girl with slightly widened eyes. "Did I...is that what I said...?..."
She shifted Felix until he was comfortable then took the cage. For a minute she eyed the creature in the cage. Ferocious. "Is it like a demon bird??? I almost got to meet a demon bird last year. One that attacked Vivi but I never got to see her. Dolly was her name." Her gaze fell on Felix who she'd noted eyeing the cage. "Don't. Even. Think. About. It." The bird was a gift from Vivi, making it officially off limits to the Kneazle.
"And do you think he'd have it with him on the train?" Lex asked curiously. It was cool that it was dangerous but she didn't like the thought of it making a meal out of Felix. In all her time knowing him, the kneazle was the predator and she rathered it stay that way thank you very much! Besides, she didn't feel all that interested in running into him.
And there he went with the two trunks again. Was he sure he wanted to carry both? She didn't mind pulling her own if it was a problem and it was obviously a problem if Alice was offering to help him. She raised an eyebrow at the two and waited to see if he'd hand her one of the trunks.
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Mo was happy to let the Sorting Hat have its own way. He wasn't going to force it to do anything, which meant that he could probably end up in any house. ANY HOUSE, hear? So maybe he'd be Alice's teammate, which didn't seem like a bad thing, even if she was a little bossy.
Mo was well used to bossy.
"You have a chocolate frog for a pet? That's an excellent idea, 'cause it never needs to be fed and probably won't run away." Probably. "But how do you keep him from melting from being held?" Body heat melted chocolate pretty easily. Speaking of... he had chocolate frogs in his pocket for Lex that were probably completely melted by now.
"No, I'm good. I don't need any help."
"Not a bird, no," Mo's grin broadened and he lifted the cover to show Lex (and Alice) the tiny bunny nibbling lettuce inside the cage. "You are the most fierce and dangerous rabbit who has ever been seen," he informed Titus before lowering the cover again. "I like to build up his self-esteem."
It was laughable to consider West going anywhere without his lizard from now on, and Mo wondered briefly if the boy was even going to try to take it to class. For a while, it might even fit in a pocket or something. "Yeah, he'll have it on the train. It's pretty wicked looking, even if it's little right now."
Alice grinned at Lex, trying to recall her words.
"Yes. I think you told me that you'd try out because it would make me happy.. or something along the lines of that." She
would try out, right? "Oh. yeah, I do," she said, turning back to Mo and gesturing to the little chocolate frog atop her head.
"This is Frank. He does eat.. I think it's what keeps the charm that lets them move from wearing off. He likes chocolate." It seemed rather ironic and cannibalistic to her, but if that was what he wanted, then who was she to complain?
"I think it has something to do with his eating habits. It kind of rejuvenates him.. resets the magic, if you know what I mean? It probably keeps him from melting, too." Or maybe it was just because Alice was cold blooded.
.. Was that a BUNNY? He had a bunny? The lioness had to bite her lip to keep from squealing out loud. HE HAD A BUNNY. SQUEE.
"He's going to be rather full of himself after all that, you know," she informed Mo after he finished praising the bunny.
"But it's true. He's very ferocious." And adorable and fuzzy and..
Lovely. Alice was dying to see the monitor.
"How big is it, as of now?" she wondered aloud. She kept forgetting that it was little at the moment, so she could erase those fantasies of a giant lizard terrorizing the school.
Sigh. "I've heard baby lizards are supposed to be near a foot long upon hatching, or something like that." It couldn't cause any trouble if it was that small. Pity.
She was still thinking about the lizard when she noticed that the Express had arrived.
"Shall we go find a compartment, then?" Alice asked, dragging her luggage onto the train and into the corridor. Surely, no one expected her to sit in the Prefect's Compartment. She would rather sit with Mo and Lex, and go find Melanie later, anyway. The girl poked compartment doors open with her bat, searching for an empty one.
"How does this one look?"