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Old 12-28-2012, 07:11 AM
feeheeheeny feeheeheeny is offline
Post Quidditch Rule Book

Section 1: The Positions

Chasers and Keepers

The Chasers and the Keeper are the most active players. These are the players who will answer the Quaffle questions.

To begin a game, a Quaffle question will be presented only to the Chasers on both teams. The first answer is what counts, and the Chaser who posts first and has the correct answer will score 10 points. If the first answer is incorrect, then no points are rewarded and the next question will go to the other team.

Once the first Quaffle question has been asked, the questions will then be asked in turn. This will allow the opposing team's Keeper to actively answer Quaffle questions.

For example, let's pretend Gryffindor and Slytherin are playing:
Originally Posted by Example Quaffle Question
Quaffle to Gryffindor: How many fouls can be made in Quidditch?
Now only the Gryffindor Chasers and the Slytherin Keeper can answer this question. If the first person to post is a Chaser and they answer the question correctly, they gain 10 points for their team. However, if the Keeper manages to correctly answer the question first then the goal is blocked and no points will be rewarded.

If the Chaser who answers first is wrong, no points will be rewarded. If the Keeper answers the question first and is wrong, that means they were unable to block the goal and 10 points will be rewarded to the opposing team.

The Chasers and Keepers cannot edit their posts or post their answers more than once.

The next question will then be asked to the other team, and the game follows the same pattern.

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The Beaters are the ones who can deduct points from the opposing team. They answer the Bludger questions that are presented to both teams' Beaters.

Originally Posted by Example Bludger Question
Bludger: Who holds the record for the fastest capture of the Snitch to date?
All of the Beaters can answer this. The Beater who answers first (and correctly) has thus hit the Bludger and 10 points will be deducted from the opposing team. If the first answer is incorrect, then no points are taken from either team. The Beaters cannot edit their post or post their answer more than once.

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The Seekers must be extremely knowledgeable about the Harry Potter universe. During the game, Snitch questions will be presented. These will be the more difficult questions.

Originally Posted by Example Snitch Question
Snitch: Who was the first ever person to cross the Atlantic by broom?
The first Seeker to answer the question correctly will get a bit closer to catching the Snitch and their team will receive 50 points. After a Seeker correctly answers three Snitch questions, the game is over.

The Seekers cannot edit their posts, but they may post their answer more than once and can double/triple/quadruple post until they have posted the correct answer. The first Seeker to post the correct answer will be awarded the Snitch capture.

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The Team

Each House Team will consist of seven players - a Seeker, a Keeper, three Chasers and two Beaters who are captained by a player chosen by the team's Head of House. Four additional reserve players will be selected and will serve as the first-choice substitutes for a game.

Team rosters are approved by the Heads of Houses, the Headmistress, and the Quidditch Official. It is the responsibility of the team captain to submit the respective team roster (including reserve players) to the Quidditch Official by the set deadline.

The team line-up consisting of at least three (3) players and no more than seven (7) is due 15 minutes before the start time of the game. This roster must be posted in the Captains Locker Room by the team captain or the substitute captain for the match. Failure to post a roster 15 minutes after the set start-time of a game will result in a forfeit.

All teams must field at least three players for the game. Those players must be one Seeker, one Keeper, and one Chaser. Failure to field these three positions will result in a forfeit.

Position changes are not permitted once a game has started unless an emergency arises. At no time is a player to cover more than one position in a game.

Any player who is placed in detention may not play in an upcoming game unless they finish serving their detention before the team's roster is posted.

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Who Can Play

Every sorted student who participates in the school RP has the opportunity to try out for their House team. Moderators and administrators who are active participants in the school RP are allowed to tryout and make their House Team but are only allowed to play as Chasers, Keepers, or Beaters during a game as these positions can only post once. (As Seeker, a moderator or administrator could, in theory, post more than once to get the correct answer without the 30-second wait between posts, giving them an unfair advantage against a Seeker who is a member.)

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Team Trials

As stated above, every sorted student who participates in the school RP has the opportunity to try out for their House team. All Quidditch tryouts are open to those who sign up in their respective House tryout thread by the posted deadline set by each respective Quidditch captain.

All positions on a team are open at the start of the tryout period and past members do not yet have a spot on their respective House teams.

Those trying out for their House team must be active in at least two tryout sessions, and post (answer a question) more than five times in each session.

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Player Eligibility

All sorted students who try out for their respective House Quidditch teams are expected to be active in the school RP. This also applies to those who earn a spot on their respective House teams. Playing Quidditch is a privilege, and lack of activity in the school RP can result in a person losing that right for the current school term.

To be considered active, a player must maintain a 5-post-per-week average in the school RP, attend an average of one practice per week, and make a weekly effort in classes and/or homework assignments.