Someone was disturbing Bunny's nap. And Bunny was not pleased.
A scaly eyelid flickered up, revealing a purple eye, searching for those who had entered her lair. And.. was that fresh meat she smelled? Her tail twitched ever so slightly at the scent, furls of smoke issuing from her nostrils. She was hungry.. so hungry. And it looked like a snack was coming her way. The dragon began to rise, curling and straightening towards the ceiling of the lair. A low growl emitted from her mouth as her other glistening eye opened. It was as she suspected. Tasty human food! Had the goblins sent her a snack, finally? Bunny opened her mouth, displaying rows and rows of sharp teeth that she would use to devour her lunch, and let our a spray of burning fire. She didn't want her lunch to be raw, did she? The dragon continued to spew streams of fire, and when she was done, another growl escaped her lips, this one much louder than the first. "RAAAAWWWWWRRRR!" |