½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Elise followed the bossman into the cart, making absolutely sure that she was sitting in the middle and protected from mean things in those scary dark places that might hurt her. Because they probably ate poor little vegetarians like Elise because nice things didn't like living in the dark.
Were they going to clean the mean things that guarded the vaults now? Because they sure seemed to be doing a whole lot of cleaning that week. Following the manager out and making sure to stay in the middle she blinked a few times to get her eyes to adjust to the light. It was dark in here. Or maybe Elise just needed glasses. Whatever it was, Elise was a little scared.
Listening to the bossman, she nodded a little. Feed Bunny. Wait a moment, why would gringotts even have a bunny? Weren't they a Wizarding Bank? But that made Elise start to wonder if Bunny was even a bunny at all! She turned around to call for the bossman, but he had already left in his little cart thing.
Elise then turned to Oakey, hoping that maybe the Hufflepuff Prefect could help her out a little bit. But when she looked closer, she realized that he was just as uncomfortable as she was, only that he had a bucket of raw meat in his hands.
Wait a moment. Raw meat? This 'Bunny' was probably not a bunny at all! Because bunnies are vegetables, just like Elise. They were vegetarians. HERBIVORES. Herbivores didn't eat meat! Carnivores ate meat. And carnivores ate people because people were meat.
Elise tried to laugh a little at Oakey's attempt to lighten the mood but her face dropped when Jory mentioned that it might be a dragon. "DRAGON?" she squeaked, ducking behind Oakey in the hopes of making him a human shield from what could be a dragon.
And then he suggested that they get started. Elise didn't want to get started, however. She was scared! It was dark, and she was going to become dragon food because Gwen seemed disgusted by the meat they were supposed to use. Forcing herself to think of Kurumummy and cookies and other nice things, she swallowed. Finding her non-existant Gryffindor courage, Elise followed after the older students, taking small steps because she didn't want to die just yet.