Chapter 4 Draco entered the Slytherin common room and saw Zee, He walked over to her and said,"Zee, you want to go seethe Heads Common room?" Zee turned around, because she was showing the Slytherin girls where there dorm was."no I dont want to go somewhere Granger is at" she said jokingly. "just kidding, sure. Just wait one second"she said and finished her prefect duties. "ok Im ready" she said and folowed Draco out of the common room. Tye saw them walk out, and he got sort of jealous. Tony noticed and asked "you ok?" Tye stopped looking at the portrait exit and said "yeah" Tony raised his eyebrows and said "if you say so" and walked up to the boys dorm. Tye sat there loking at the fire and thinking. "do you guys want to see the Heads common room?" Hermione asked Ron and Harry. "sure" they both said. They were curious to see what it looked like. "alright" Hermione said and they started to walk to the common room. Zee and Draco walked to the Portrait and Draco said "ojos preciosos" They entered the common room and it didnt really look like the Slytherin common room, but it was like a combination of both the Gryffindor and Slytherin common rooms. Draco entered first and Zee followed him. The comon room had books from Dark Arts to how to knit. There was comterable couches and uncomterable ones like in the Slytherin common room. Zee went over to the books on Dark Arts and said "these are interesting books on dark arts" she said and picked one up. "yeah they are" Draco said and walked over to her. He turned Zee around and he wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled. "what was that for?" she asked with a smile. Draco smiled and said "for this" and he kissed her <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Hope you guys like this post its longer than the others and I have something really bad thats gonna change Zee's and Tony's lives for ever!
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