Wibbly Wobbly | Timey Wimey Elizabeth sighed as Benjy spoiled her kid but smiled as well. She then glanced at Sky and beamed, hugging her back. Eliza liked how she was a hugger and not a handshaker. "It is wonderful to meet you as well! I feel like I already knew you though since Benjy talks about you so much." Elizabeth laughed and smiled at Benjy then back at Sky, gesturing to Benjy and Lucas. "Benjy would make an amazing father." Eliza giggled, "He is always spoiling my children and helping out..." Elizabeth glanced at Benjy, messing with his hair in a sisterly way. "Oh how he is such a good help though." She praised him a little then gave him a stern look, "Though Benjy, you know the rule... make them to hyper and you deal with them." Eliza winked at him and smiled, turning back to Sky. "I am so excited to finally get a chance to meet you! I have been wanting to since he told me you two were dating... I even nagged him a little." Elizabeth chuckled. "I made some snickerdoodles this morning for you two... I know they are Beny's favorites and I would have made some of yours but that is the one thing he hasnt mentioned about you."
Lucas laughed as he was spun then placed on the counter. He happily munched on a cookie while the grown-ups were talking but after a while of not having some attention, he pouted. "Sky! Sky! Me Lucas." The little boy beamed, "Me 3!" He giggled, "Are you my new auntie?" His eyes grew big.
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