Helpful Links *RabidRavenclaw*Nymphadora!*BritneySpearsFanatic* *Eclectic*ZetaTauAlphaPrincess*TexasAngel*
Below is a list of links to help you stay on top of your Hogwarts experience. I highly recommend that you subscribe to any of the links that have a beside them. SPOILER!!: How to Subscribe to a Thread
Subscribing to a thread allows you to see anytime someone posts within that thread. Once you have subscribed to a thread, it will show up in your UserCP Subscriptions list whenever someone has posted something new within it.
Here are the steps to subscribe to a thread:
1. Click on Thread Tools and choose Subscribe to Thread. 
2. On the next page, choose your options for Subscribing. You can choose if you want email notifications and where you want the subscription saved. Then click Add Subscription. 
3. The next page indicates that it is saving your Subscription. 
4. To see your Subscription, click on UserCP at the top of your page. This will list all of your Subscriptions and the ones at the top of the list are the newest postings. Ravenclaw House Links The Diadem  Wondering when the next Muggle Studies class will start? Did you not remember to write down the latest Homework Assignment in Ancient Runes? This board keeps you updated on upcoming class times and homework assignments and due dates. The Eagle's Nest Not sure when the next Quidditch or Gobstones match is? Wondering if the school will be hosting a Winter Dance? This board keeps you updated on upcoming events in Hogwarts and sometimes in Hogsmeade. Scroll of Distinction Don't forget to sign your name and share your story in the Ravenclaw Scroll of Distinction. This is the perfect place to share your character's bio and be added to the list of students. Ravenclaw Stars Check this enchanted frame at the end of each grading term (once a month OOC) to see who the top five Ravenclaw point scorers were. General Hogwarts Links What in Merlin's Beard . . . (Term 33) Been slightly absent or feeling as though you missed something? Did a niffler attack a student during a CoMC lesson? Is the new Headmistress wearing too much pink? Not sure what's going on around the school? Here's where you can get caught up, as well as post updates for for what's been happening here at Hogwarts this term! Top Five Students Sent in your homework and wondering how many points you've earned for your House? Or maybe you’re curious to see who’s on the top five students list? Here's the place for you. Term 34 Chat Thread A great place to gossip and have fun with other rpers OOC. Hogwarts, A History This website holds organized information about both current and retired staff alike, along with summaries from previous term plot-lines and past events you may find useful to know. SS Hogwarts RPG Archive This section of the RPG is where old threads and lessons have been placed from previous terms; please note that not everything from past terms were saved, the threads that were placed there are important in some way. Hogwarts School FAQ Find Sorting and Term Information, General School FAQ and Role Playing in the School info here. How to: Create a Character This thread holds tips and advice other members have shared in their opinion on how to start and develop a character. There's no right or wrong ways, just friendly suggestions for those who wish to see how others create their character(s). Question Thread Here's where you can ask any questions related to the RPG School you may be pondering over; whether it be a staff member or student, someone will answer your question. Hogwarts RP Information Forum The home for the Merlin's Beard thread and other School OOC information. This forum is where you will find all helpful and informative threads directly pertaining to the School RPG. Many of the threads are discussion type threads either started by a school staff member or student (with the permission of the current Headmaster), and you are more than welcome to contribute to them. Remember everyone has their own opinions and be respectful of that while discussing. SS Hogwarts Haven Find yourself addicted to the School RP? This is where SS Hogwarts RPG fans can gather to chat about the school, professors and students (in a respectful manner, of course). There's also several other things, such as character bio's, games, school related graphics and more! -- You must be a member of the "School RPG Addicts Fan Club" to see and participate in this forum! However, we encourage you to join! Go to 'User CP' towards the top of your screen, then scrolling down to the 'Miscellaneous' section you'll see 'Group Memberships' click that then find 'School RPG Addicts' and there you go! Suggestion: Ideas for the RP What is it that you think we need? Ideas for the plot? Something you're dying to see implemented in the school? This thread is where you can make any suggestions you have to improve the school RPG. Of course you first need to have access to the Hogwarts Haven to make any suggestions, which you can gain access to by going to your Group Memberships and requesting to join the School RPG Addicts Fan Club It's a GOOD thing to be a member of! Go do it! Now! *eyes ALL of you* SS Board Rules All SS rules apply everywhere and anywhere you go around the site. I'm sure you've all read them before, make sure to keep them in mind at all times, and feel free to refresh yourselves as needed =)
Last edited by Lezleighd; 05-01-2013 at 04:28 PM.