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Mel backed up a little. But but but... she wanted to be friends! Wibble. But the funny creature was bigger than her. And had scary teeth. Retreeeeeat! The puff hid behind Nice Ronnie.
Hold ze kitteh? Moi? "YES," Ameliah said, taking Oliver and setting him into her lap. Awwwwww...! The little kitten was just so cuuuuuuute!
Am glanced out the window. "OOO!" They were getting close! Maybe all the pacing/napping passed more time than she thought! Her leg began to shake again from excitement.
Aw! She smiled as Ronnie went over the story. It seemed a lot more... eventful than when Am had gotten together with Adam way back. It was more like: So, wanna get together? Sure! Bleh. It seemed boring.
Logan? Am started to get a little antsy again, but contained it for Ollie's sake.
"Weeeeeell, a few weeks into the school year, I sent a letter to Eimes saying that I was starting to really like Logan. Of course, her being Eimear, she showed it to Logan I guess, he sent me a letter, I spent ten minutes giggling slash squealing, aaaaaaaand told him I really wanted to be with him too," That summed it up, right?
Oliver looked around as he was suddenly moving to a different lap. YAY! He was getting MORE attention! He purred happily as the girl began to pet him. He liked this girl! She was nice! Purr purrrr.
Ronnie laughed at how happy Oliver was. Yup, she knew that'd make him happy. She glanced behind her, frowning at the scared puff who had been hiding behind her.
"Awww, we're you scared Mel?" she asked, scooping her up and setting her on her lap. She rolled her eyes. Oliver got jealous too easily.
She then listened as Ameliah explained about her and Logan. A smile spread across her face and grew wider as Am went on.
"Awww, that's adorable!" she said.
"Y'know, you and Logan are just the most perfect couple ever! And the cutest!" she said with a smile, taking one of the Chocolate Frogs from her pile of sweets and opening it. The frog leaped out.
"Where do you think you're going?" she asked as she caught him. She grinned, taking a bite off its head.
"I used to think these were like, actually real frogs in my first year," she said.
"So, I felt bad eating them and all and was just totally disgusted...so I just let them go and kept the cards." she finished, laughing.