SPOILER!!: Harvey! <3
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He smiled as she agreed it was a good idea, phew! looks like he had changed the subject successfully.. no more thoughts of his slip of the tongue. "Yeah? I am ..er glad you do! I was gonna surprise you with it.. but.. maybe its not much of a surprise now" he chuckled knowing that he would have to now think of a new surprise for her. He already had one in motion if he could just get an answer from her!!.. but he wanted to give another surprise too. He nodded "Well I have to agree with you on that! I am not surprised that people like it so much.. and yeah it is delicious!" he smiled as she giggled.. he loved to hear her giggle.. it was good to hear her giggle!
He watched as she turned to face him like she usually did, but this time he just felt different when she did! He loved that he had her full attention, he smiled as she giggled again and grinned "They were?" those were good answers?? seriously?? "You are pretty smart too! " though he didnt believe in his smartness but he wasnt going to argue with her on that. He smiled as she said that she wouldnt leave without saying goodbye "Thats good.. holding you to that" he chuckled jokingly before he nodded "Yes of course she would!! She would love to help you out and stuff" he smiled "Well if he isnt then we would love to drop you home.. or you could spend a couple of hours at my place.. whatever is good with you" he smiled though he knew that she would probably wanna get home and relax so he wouldnt mind if she said she wanted to go home and see her dad. He looked at her and smiled "Yeah? well thats good.. it will be good to see you all excited so see Caleb" he smiled then a thought came to him "You think he will remember me? he might have forgotten who I am and stuff" he chuckled knowing how young kids like him could forget people if they hadnt met them for a very long time and it had been several months since he had seen the kid. He thought about her question "Well yeah I guess I am... if they behave themselves.. and be nice to me" he chuckled as he knew that Harley would be teasing him about Ella for sure and then their little sibling squabbles and fights will start over again.
"Yeah." Grin.
"You don't have to surprise me, Harvs. I'm just happy we'll be hanging out a lot. The ice cream? Well that's just a bonus."And she smiled sheepishly, knowing what she'd just said probably sounded a bit cheesy. She
did mean it, though. The blonde simply nodded in agreement when he too declared ice cream delicious. That was the truth, plain and simple. Beam.
"Mhm, they were." Ella said happily, smiling at the boy. She couldn't seem to stop smiling, actually. The fourteen didn't even mind the fact that her cheeks were starting to hurt.
"Thanks! I sometimes feel like I'm really not but...I guess it comes and goes." Shrug. Ella knew she had a lot left to learn.
"You're mom is really great, you know that? I really like her." Just so that was on the table. Mrs. Watson was just always willing to talk to Ella or help her and she really appreciated it. Grabbing Harvey's hand in hers, the small blonde smiled at him.
"As much as I'd love to come hang out at your house, I think Dad wants me home." And they were meant to be having some kind of special dinner according to her Gran.
"We'll see each other really soon, though. No worries." Ella pretty much planned on seeing Harvey as often as possible.
"Caleb? Of course he remembers you! When I write home I always talk about you and I know Dad reads him my letters." And besides, Harvey was in no way forgettable.
"I'm sure he'll be excited to see you too!" Nod. She giggled at his response about seeing his own siblings, poking him.
"They'd better be nice to you or they'll have me to deal with." Grin.