Originally Posted by
PotterHeadforLife Kat looked at West as he threw the jelly slug at the window. Honestly, the girl found it funny so she giggled. Weird kid. That was all. But Kat didn't want to throw one since she was... in a weird mood.
The blonde ate her first slug before trying to lick her second one and throwing it at the window. It was immature, yes, but whatever. She can be as young as she is. Being fifteen won't stop her from all of that.
And yes, she didn't care if she was judged. She already had a lot of criticism for liking someone younger than her.
"Good one." West said almost admiringly, watching the slug stick on the glass.
Originally Posted by
Emzily As much as the jelly slug was tasty..... Theo really wanted a chocolate frog. Chocolate was more his thing, cos they felt a little less sugary on his teeth. And also, if he threw a chocolate frog at the window, he was pretty sure it'd beat those measly slugs. Just saying.
But oh. It suddenly reminded him that he has a dentist appointment next week.
Oh the joys of going home.
Theo nodded vigorously as West began explaining. "Yeah! Rora and her dad are taking us. It's Ireland and France that are playing. I dunno who I'm gonna support." The boy blabbed. He looked to West for a moment, because he would probably know who was better.
Or maybe he could just do what he does at school matches, to not support anyone and just watch the game.
Sounded good.
What was she looking at him like THAT for?
Theodore frowned and gave her the same look back.
"Well, I think I'll support Ireland just on account of England isn't playing, and some of the best British and Irish League players are on the Irish team." He reasoned. Made sense to him right? Better to cheer for who you knew. And there might even be some former Slytherins playing so, it was a no brainer.
Originally Posted by
THE Govoni Dylan watched the two younger boys, amused with their easy interaction. It might have been weird...but they were the heart of his team. How lucky was he to have them? Hmph. Others had better start rightfully fearing them...FEARING...THEM...
Quidditch domination aside, though...
"You scored Quidditch tickets?" Yes, impressed look for you, bro....'Rora' was...Aurora, right? Rich's girlfriend...They'd be with her and her dad. It seemed legit. She'd make smart choices..."Awesome birthday gift." Dylan held his fist up for bumping.
Something was going on here. The boys were acting normal...but Hudson was being odd. Yes, she was getting the eye. Did Dylan sense someone messing with his Team Mojo...They functioned so well for a reason. What was this weird behavior?
Hmmmph. A distraction was in order, perhaps.
"Jelly slug racing?" That was legit...among his three fastest players. Meh, he was down. "Odessa...Show me how it's done."...because he'd never seen anyone do this.
Distractions equaled awesome.
Also...there was some strange tension that was weirding him out a bit. That needed to go away.
"Definitely awesome." Make it a three way fist bump? West extended his fist too.
OKAY Jelly slug racing. His slug was starting to sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide down the glass and West pointed at it.
"We all lick our slugs and stick 'em on the glass, and the one that slides down to the bottom first wins, but if it just falls off then it loses, so you've gotta get it sticky enough to actually stay on the glass and not fall off." Explained. See?