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As soon as she responded, Mordred knew that Beezus was in that mood. "Too bad. I guess these sugar quills will end up in a trash bin somewhere." he said as he removed his messenger bag off him and threw it on the seat on his left side. He scooted and lay down on the seat using his bag as his pillow. Mordred propped his legs up and crossed it over, resting it on the compartment wall. "Okay then, Applehead. Just let me know if you need anything." he placed both of his hands under his head as he spoke.
Mordred was fully aware that she was feeling awful, but since he sensed the pride in her voice, he decided to play along. It was an immature thing to do, really...but then again, she was being stubborn. Therefore, he'd give her exactly that attitude.
Beezus ears immediately perked up when she heard that word. Sugar quills. Sugar - it was something sweet. She needed sweet things right now! At least, she believed that it can help reduce the pain she was feeling. Her eyebrows came together when he began to move around and lay down on the seat. He wasn't going to offer the sugar quills? That was it? Why, he was being a jerk. She could've just snapped at him.
But meh. The mere thought that Mordred had those treats with him right now made her feel a little better. That meant she wouldn't need to go out and struggle her way to the Food Trolley. The Ravenclaw then bit her lip, "Orangefeet," she muttered to call his attention. "...sugar quills." She tried a grinned towards his direction but failed so she looked at him with somewhat pleading eyes.