Originally Posted by
the fastest seeker
The second-year dragged her trunk and her owl's cage with her.
She had been seriously considering leaving this evil owl there! Because now she had been bitten countless times and Cassia and the owl made it clear for each other that they despised each other. But no her father insisted that she keeps the owl and make peace with it. So that was the only reason the owl was with Cassia. Humph.
As she got to the carriages Cassia took a general look and climbed the closes after tossing her trunk and the cage. She looked at the girl inside of it and flashed her a big grin.
"Hi there! Mind if I join you." Of course Cassia was now sitting so it'd be awkward if the girl said no. Though Cassia had seen the girl before during the feast meaning she was a Slytherin. "
By the way I'm Cassia." The snake introduced herself leaning back on her seat. Yup she was making herself comfortable.
As the carriage started to move. Cassia drag her trunk closer and steadied it. She glanced at the cage and shrugged. It would be fortunate if it fell off the carriage and the owl died. Mehh..Musing at the castle which now was getting further and further away. Cassia turned to the older again.
"It was an interesting term, huh?" She said in a exciting and conversational tone. Yeah she just met the girl but twelve-years old would talk and chat with anyone! And anything too.
Addie was just staring out the window when there was suddenly a trunk tossed into the carriage. In climbed a snake, she was younger than her for sure, but she would be good company.
"Sure, your a snake right," Addie said with a smile recalling the face from around the term and in their corner of the Great Hall and such.
"Nice to meet you Cassia, I'm Addie," she said with a smile.
"Now an official seventh year, it's so scary."
With a little jolt the carriage started moving. Why was Hogwarts leaving her????? With one last stare out the carriage window she turned back to Cassia.
"Yeah, interesting for sure, no common rooms part of the term, evil ghost dude, evil plant," Addie said as she named off the things that happened that term. It was a lot of weird things.
"I don't think I'll ever look at a plant the same way." she announced. After all she had seen two teachers be eaten by an evil plant.