❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Just a few more steps and she'd reach the door to her self-proclaimed compartment, just a few more steps.. But then Dylan's voice came along, and he was calling her. Ugh. Just what in Merlin's trousers did he need this time?
Her first instinct was to walk faster because she wanted to get away from him. She was still holding it a grudge that he said she looked old. It was childish maybe, but it came from her boyfriend. Which girl would want to be called old by their boyfriend? Then he spoke again, and this time, instead of walking faster, her legs did the exact opposite, slowing down for his expense.
Beezus sighed, "What is it, Dy?" She mumbled without glancing back at him.
Seriously. Why was it so hard to stay mad at him for so long?
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