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Ethan smiled back at Minerva as he wrapped his hand around hers. "Good, thanks.." he said to both girls. "Just wanted to make sure I wasn't interrupting any girl talk," he added with a chuckle. "Yeah, Looking forward to it," Ethan said as he glanced around the carriage and then looked at what seemed to be an empty spot at the front of the carriage. He had read that thestrals pulled the carriages, but it was always interesting to him that he couldn't see the winged horses.
Shrugging to himself, Ethan leaned back in his seat and stretched his legs out in front of him. "How do you think you fared on your OWLs, Ronnie?" he asked his fellow fifth year before lightly covering a yawn with one hand. Ehh.. why was he so tired this early in the day? Oh right.. he had failed to get his morning espresso from the kitchen in all the excitement of the day. Maybe he'd just close his eyes for a few minutes and let the girls talk.
Ronnie shrugged at Ethan's question. She wasn't really sure...
"Dunno. You?" she asked, getting comfortable in her seat.