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Ronnie made her way over where all the carriages were, skipping as she went. She was so excited to get back home and see her family! Eeeeeep! And the train ride would be totally awesome, as always.
Once she reached the carriages, she looked around to see if any of her friends were already on some...but it seemed that not many students were here yet. She frowned. Looked like she was a little bit earlier than everyone.
She climbed up onto an empty carriage and plopped down into the seat. She sighed and looked around, hoping to see at least one of her friends show up. She squinted out where she had came from, but didn't see anyone.
What was taking everyone so looong?
Minerva walked slowly down to the carriages. Looking back at the castle, she was so ready for a break but at the same time she always hated leaving. This place had become more of a home then anywhere else in the last few years. She hadn't lived in one place since her first year, so this was the only stable place Minerva had.
She noticed that not many were there yet, maybe everyone else was feeling as slow as she was about leaving. Minerva then saw a familiar face and walked over.
"Hey Ronnie, mind if I sit with you?" Pulling her self up on the carriage she took a seat.
"So what's the first thing you are going to do when you get back?" Minerva knew exactly the first few things she was going to do and she couldn't wait.