Originally Posted by
Silver Ninja Looking up as he heard Ed approach Isaac nodded "Guess this is it huh?" Shaking his head he glanced back towards where the castle was. "'Tis only been a year fer ye but this has become me home, especially this past year bein' I don' know where I'm goin' when I get back te London." Yeah he'd finally admitted it. He didn't have anywhere to go.
"Mum and dad want me te come down there but I jus' don' want te go te Australia, 'tis jus' te far."
"Yeah, man." he looked back at the castle too and nodded at Isaac's acknowledgement of Hogwarts being his home. "This place was starting to mean something to me too." he sighed softly, but then looked at Isaac as he said he had nowhere to go. "Well... there's always my place." he offered without hesitation. "Dad won't mind, just as long as you don't touch the potions equipment except to help."