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Old 12-08-2012, 12:28 PM   #66 (permalink)
the fastest seeker
Dark Force Defense League

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Text Cut: Kat
Originally Posted By PotterHeadforLife
Uhmm... actually, Cassia, she had to ask. You know how possessive Theo is with a lot of stuff. You may never know that maybe even he's possessive with seats. But since he already allowed, Kat thought it was good already. The fourth year smiled at the younger girl.

"Yeah, and thanks," Kat nodded, well since because Cassia said she'd do great but you know... she might totally suck at it. But Kat was doing her best to and was aiming high because she didn't want to put Slytherin done and she didn't want to feel like a failure either. She had some insecurity issues, that's why. Well, even if OWLs weren't so interesting and boring since she'd have to take 12 exams... It was fine. Whatever.

The second-year looked at her friend and nodded unsurely. "You're welcome." Because Kat said thank you. Was it possible that now that Kat was going to be a fifth year she'll be one of those older kids who didn't want to hang out with older ones? Cassia hoped not. Because she liked to stay close friends with Kat. And the second-year was going to grow up too. Well, turning thirteen is growing up according to her mother.
Text Cut: Theoooh

Originally Posted by Emzily View Post


Theo trusted that every other member of the Quidditch team were gonna work extra hard next term, as he was. The boy had only experienced two wins since starting Hogwarts, and one of those wasn't even official. But no matter, he was no quitter. "Well..." Theo pressed his eyebrows together as Cassia got super excited, "We're not playing in a professional match." Though, they'd still be awesome if they did, "We're just watching one." And the more he thought about it, the more flaily he got.

"Very suspicious." He looked the table area over, to make sure no one was listening. Succeeded the first mission? Heck yeah, they did. Even though they did absolutely diddly-squat. But it was the taking part that counted. "SUCH a success. We'll need to continue next term." Hopefully they'd take a step back.

Theo had never actually encountered a ghost.

And that's probably a good thing.

Normally a person would be feeling kinda stupid to have gotten excited about something that isn't the way it is. But, Cassia just nodded casually when Theo cleared out that they weren't actually playing. "I see. But you'll get to gain experience and stuff." That much she knew. Quidditch playing would be watching others' moves and developing their own by doing so. And it must mean something to them that they have this opportunity. While surely Cassia would never think of watching a game she didn't know any of the players in it.
It's all about being confident. And they had all the confidence they needed. Catty and Butress. "Yup we'll see what is needed to be done next year." She agreed. The safety of the castle laid upon their shoulders. Ehh..Something like that.
Text Cut: West

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
West was late but he sure didn't act like it, simply sauntering up to the Slytherin table and claiming a spot by the other second years without so much as an excuse or a by-your-leave. He'd been BUSY that was all. Mmhmm. But now he was gonna stuff his FACE. He wasn't alone mind you, him and Dylan arrived together. They had been having MAN!TALKS. Very important things those.

Food went into the mouth before he acknowledged anyone else. Mouthful of potato and gravy, and he gave a general 'sup' nod of acknowledgement to everyone, and a fistbump for Theo of course.


Then West joined and that satisfied Theo who was waiting for that. And the boy was real hungry. Cassia noted that. She nodded with a smile that included the captain as well. Because he came too. And like always Cassia felt again that she was the only one who didn't play Quidditch here. How come all her friends play Quidditch. Well, Dora didn't but she wasn't here.

The second-year couldn't help NOT notice that there was some staring going on. But she wasn't being stared at which was good because it's not comfortable for her. Then a pea flew. Cassia made sure to steer away. You know it was aimed at Kat and she was sitting next to her. Is it a food fight? Well, she wasn't sure she wanted to participate.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such

And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours
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