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TSnitch Dacs shook her head a bit and said,"You label what food item is in the bag. So that they can know what is contaminated from what isn't. No person's name. Once you've labelled it properly, you put it in the cooler."
She was feeling at ease that things would go fine. They just needed to get a move on. The dessert bar was left and then to get these to the lab. The other phase of the investigation needed to be underway.
Victoria listened and smiled,
"Yes I can do that. I will get started right away." She gave Dacs a smile and then turned back to the food. Using the tongs Victoria picked up the first food and placed into the bag. Using the marker Victoria started to label the bag. This was actually kind of gross when she thought about it. Touching other people's food that they had eaten even though she was touching them with tongs was still gross.
Victoria did this for a few more bags and then she started placing the bags into the coolers. Looking up she saw another man join them, smiling she gave a small hi and then turned back to the work she was doing. More food into bags and then marking them correctly. She made sure to double check to get everything correctly.