Text Cut: Ells
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Ella frowned a bit when Pao explained his situation back in Sicily. It did sound like he'd be quite lonely and Ella didn't like the thought of that. "Well...we could owl back and forth, if you wanted!" She offered with a smile. "Oh...or if you get a chance to come and visit at all during the summer break we could get ice cream!" Though he'd probably be spending all his time in Sicily, yeah?
Oh yeah! Ella had thought she'd heard Pao call Professor Hadley, auntie, before. "Yeah I...think I might have known that." Shrug. She couldn't really be sure where she'd heard it. Wait...WHAT?! A one year deal? But that meant...and he couldn't...and they needed...BLINK. "But Pao, you have to come back!" Because he was a badger and they were all family! "What I mean to say is that we'll all really miss you if you don't and...and you kind of belong here, yeah?" With his friends and housemates and playing Quidditch! At least that's how Ella saw it.
Ooo, she was offering to write? That sounded like fun! "
Sounds great, Ella!" He'd at least have correspondence a few times from friends that way. "
And I'm hoping I can drag my mum to Diagon Alley some time over holiday, but who knows with her." But just in case... "
I'll let you know well in advance if I can, though!" Cuz then yeah, they could meet for sweets!
Oh, so she wasn't going to flip out on him, then? Always appreciated for SURE.
Oh, just kidding. Here it is. His face looking apologetic, he said, "
I'm gonna try, I really am! But.. my mum... she can be..." He shrugged. "
And I'll miss you guys here, too! But hey, nothing's official yet, so don't like... go throwing me a party or anything, okay?" After all, he had all summer to convince his parents. But she had a point: he felt like Hogwarts was a second home. Especially with his House being so familial, he dreaded to think about the possibility of not returning.