Text Cut: Ella!Cass <3
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When she heard another voice address her, the blonde turned on her seat and nearly cried when she saw her honorary little sister, Kat, standing behind her, an unfathomable expression on her pretty face.
"Kat!" The older blonde said tearfully as she welcomed the hug and returned in fiercely, not wanting to let go. "I'm going to miss you sooooo much." She said thickly as tears bordered her hazel eyes.
Oh great. Kat just finished drying her tears after the encounter with Kurumi at the Lion's table, thanks to the conjured / transfigured tissue of the Gryffindor. Her efforts seemed to have went to waste once Cass hugged her back so tight. Yes, Kat didn't want to let go either. Then soon she just started tearing up again. Weaaak.
This term was the saddest of all terms. Most of the painful good byes were sad during this term, 2079. "
I'm going to miss you too, Cass..." and the girl meant it. She just wished nobody had to leave, or graduate. It was truly hurtful to Kat, since she's made strong friendships with so many graduating students this term. But no regrets.
This was good bye for her older honorary sister though...
Text Cut: Roudy!Cassia
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the fastest seeker
Cassia blinked at the thanks part. Why was Kat asking and thanking to sit with them. She could just do it she is KAT. "Oh you don't have to ask." Cassia said waving her hand dismissively. No manners between Snakes. She smiled and scooted to make room for Kat. And good the girl didn't seem to be stressed about the OWLs thing. Cassia remembers that whenever she asked someone they'd be nervous about it. But Kat wasn't and that was cool.
She has started already...Wow. She was really a good student, Cassia thought. "Interesting. I'm sure you will do great and you still have plenty of time." She told her. The younger snake only had a vague idea about the OWLs thing but she knew they were exams and surely if one studies one succeeds. That much she knew. She wasn't going to occupy her mind with unnecessary thoughts.
Uhmm... actually, Cassia, she had to ask. You know how possessive Theo is with a lot of stuff. You may never know that maybe even he's possessive with seats. But since he already allowed, Kat thought it was good already. The fourth year smiled at the younger girl.
Yeah, and thanks," Kat nodded, well since because Cassia said she'd do great but you know... she might totally suck at it. But Kat was doing her best to and was aiming high because she didn't want to put Slytherin done and she didn't want to feel like a failure either. She had some insecurity issues, that's why. Well, even if OWLs weren't so interesting and boring since she'd have to take 12 exams... It was fine. Whatever.
Text Cut: FlowerChoppedInMakingShrinkingSolutions!Kennedy
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Kennedy let out an upward breath, his curly fringe bouncing on his forehead as the air brushed it. He needed another haircut, though he liked his hair. Meh. He'd think about that tomorrow. When he was home. Or maybe the next day. Meeeh.
He turned his head toward the voice that called him, a smile creeping up on his lips as he saw Kat. "Hey, Kat..." He barely got out when the young witch got him in a hug. It was sweet and Kennedy had to swallow before he got all mushy and emotional. Well, he wasn't the emotional type to begin with, but this was the first official goodbye he's received and it did stuff to him. He hugged her back, patting her back. "It was my honor meeting you," he smiled, sincerely. "Same here...I'm going to miss all of this," he said, briefly glancing around. Feelings. Why was he feeling them right now? Gah! "You take care and have fun this summer, alright?" he said, sending Kat a playful smirk.
Kat wasn't going to cry. Even if it was all sad again. She stayed strong, despite how ironic it was since being strong required a bit of bravery which was a total Lion thing. Kat wasn't a single percent of a Lion. "
We're so lucky to have an awesome Head Boy like you," Kat said as she released the hug. She would've said he was the BEST head boy but Kat obviously knew all Slytherin prefects were awesome and plus, Salander was a good Head Boy too.
Take care. "
Of course, Head Boy," Kat said with a smirk. She would never get tired of calling Ken the Head Boy because, hey, he totally was deserving. And plus, he's been a good student leader and model. "
You also take care this summer." Since it'd be the first summer he'll not be a student from Hogwarts.