Originally Posted by
TSnitch "Excuse me, where are my manners. I'm Dacs." she said, before getting back to work. She heard when the woman found the list.
As Dacs bagged two more items from the menu, the mozzarella sticks and the cheesy bread, the young woman did something Dacs didn't expect. Breathing deeply, she turned, her eyes snapping live coals."Ok,you just need to check that list off or head to level two to quarantine. That was and still is your only instruction. Are we clear?" she took another breath and remarked," I know what needs to be done, it's kind of my job. When this is done, I'm going to need this taken to the lab. I'll have to have you escorted there then to quarantine. At least until you are cleared."
She wasn't going to have anyone who doesn't know the full situation take point, not while she was there. It would only serve to confuse an already running operation.
Snatching the marker, Dacs labelled the bags and set them down in the cooler and turned to get more evidence containers. She was working as fast as she could.
"Nice to meet you" she replied.
"Pardon me, looks like I have forgotten my manners". Oh merlin. Beijing had not interprited the instructions correctly, she was brilliant at making enemies and thouraly hoped she had not made another one.
"I must have misunderstood what you told me about the list." Beijing was horrified inside to have made such a mistake, but on the outside she kept her cool. She was grateful that nobody had claimed the task she'd asigned before Dacs caught her. She figured she'd better head to the quarentine soon, even thought she
dreaded the thought of showing up there.