SPOILER!!: Kurumi
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Kurumi simply blushed at Professor Bentley's words, feeling more than a bit flustered at the compliment. "I've had some very inspirational people to guide me," she said, as if that were an explanation. But she didn't say much more. That was to be saved for more private quarters. "Um, professor, I have something for you...but I'll bring it up to you after the Headmistress gives her speech."
No, no fancy gifts because Kurumi didn't really believe in buying things. It wasn't personal enough and times like right now required a very personal touch. Even if it was just something as simple as a letter.
Inspirational... huh... inspirational. Perhaps even motivational. Bentley's mind was heading off-track now, thoughts racing through her mind in no particular sequence. Hhhmmm...
Seren soon returned to Earth as Kurumi continued to speak. She had something for her? That really wasn't necessary... though selfishly, a momento of the prefect would be a treasure for years to come.
"Oh, sounds wonderful... and actually that reminds me, I should probably head up there." So that she wouldn't get a scolding from Annie.
Now she wished she has something for Kurumi... it was dreadfully stupid of her not to organise anything. The girl had been a godsend since becoming HoH... or at least, that was when she noticed the girls abilities.
SPOILER!!: Selina
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When Bentley brought up her own graduation, Selina suddenly felt very, very sick. It was not something she wanted to think about. The sickness did not come from the thought of her own time at Hogwarts coming to a close, but the fact that Selina's seventh year meant NO Kurumi. Hogwarts would not be the same without her. Who else was going to calm the beast? Please. Like ANYONE could handle her.
"I know we will Professor... but nothings gonna be the same, you know?" And they both had acknowledged that. Kurumi and Selina both.
It wasn't easy making this all seem like a good thing, because truthfully, the Captain had a point. Things wouldn't be the same, ever, again. They could only hope that things would be bearable or even better... but it still took time to adjust to leaving Hogwarts behind, losing contact with friends, or even just not seeing them on a daily basis.
"I know..." she finally said, patting Selina's arm in an attempt to somehow offer the girl comfort.
Next year would be hard on her... it would be like losing a limb, and it wasn't easy to handle.
Perhaps she ought to keep a special eye on her...
SPOILER!!: Dylan
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Dylan saw her lean in and knew that he was about to know stuff that no-one else knew.. and he would keep it a secret.. yes he wo... he raised his eyebrows as she said it would spoil the surprise "What surprise?" he asked almost instantly "But.. but then how do I know if the surprise is going to be a cool thing or not?" cause that was what he wanted to know "Is it a fun surprise?" he asked more questions.. cause he needed to know as much as he could about this 'surprise' that the professor had planned. Was she just teasing him? cause he would like to know.. but then it did look like the professor wasnt going to tell him straight what this surprise was.
Bentley was very tempted to slap her hand to her forehead. Did this boy ever run out of questions? or energy? ... probably not.
"Well if I told you what it was, it wouldn't be a surprise would it?" she responded, still wondering if he honestly expected her to tell him all of next years plans.
"They're not all cool... otherwise it'd become boring over time. So... there will be... new stuff, and new stuff is always good, whether its a surprise or if its cool or even uncool. So... practice some patience, and then prepare to be surprised."
Yep. That was as best as she could explain it to him.
"Alrighty Lions, I'm heading to the staff table, keep your noses clean, keep out of trouble... and someone figure out how I can fail Kurumi so we can try to keep her here for another year."
That was their mission.
Now... she had to brave the atmosphere at the staff table, and already, it looked grim.
"Remember your manners, no talking during the speech, no throwing food... no... no misbehaving." Yup. Some just HAD to be told.
And with that done, Seren offered her Lions one last fleeting smile before joining the big kids.