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Hold up.
Was Kurumi...laughing? She felt a scowl slowly creeping onto her face as she watched the girl presumably enjoying a good joke at her expense. She raised an eyebrow at the her, hoping she would explain what was so funny since, clearly, she missed the punchline but then she gave what Lex considered the explanation. Granted, she didn't find the humour in it, but she decided not to dwell on that because it probably wasn't the point anyway. The actual point was that Kurumi was a worrier by nature and Lex was beginning to understand that there was nothing she could've done to prevent her from feeling the way she did. Sure she could have behaved but honestly, what would be the fun in that? "Maybe you shouldn't worry so much." She tried getting her tone to sound as casual as possible so it wouldn't give away much of what she felt. "I mean I know what I did was bad but the world's far worse." Nod. "Try laughing at it instead of frowning and see if it makes a difference." It most probably would.
And yeah she learnt something alright; next time she was gonna do something, make sure there were no witnesses and above all don't get caught. Yup. Being suspended taught her a lot. Her eyes fell to Kurumi's hand that was now on her shoulder. They stayed there while she thought about what she said. "Yeah...I know I shouldn't and I try not to...that's kinda why I worked so hard to earn the points I cost us..." And now that she did, she regretted nothing--nothing but the suspension.
"One of the bests huh?" Lex nodded in approval of the girl's ambition. "Then that's what you'll become for sure! Then when you get really good and find an awesome team to play for then I wanna come and watch so send me an owl with your game schedule or something!" Forced!GRIN.
Arabella-Marie laughed and said "Sure i could do that Alexa"