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Old 12-06-2012, 02:27 AM   #88 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: London, UK (GMT/UTC)
Posts: 621

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dylan "DJ" Jacobs
Second Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Jerry "Dave" Davis
Junior Curse Breaker

Text Cut: Kurumi
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Cookies. Of course. Kurumi giggled softly and as if right on cue charmed another one of the dancing cookies towards Dylan until it was spinning right in front of his face. "Sure," she smiled. Baking would always be something that she would do and if people wanted to give her an excuse to do so, well, she wasn't going to complain. "I'll be working at a bakery over the summer part time, so maybe I will learn a new recipe and send it to you to share with the other lions."

Dylan smiled as she giggled.. suddenly he saw something coming towards him and stopped right in front of his face.. just spinning there as if telling him to grab it and eat it. He grabbed it with both hands "Thanks!" though he knew that this would be eaten in a matter of seconds.. what about him getting more? That question was answered too, his eyes went wide at the fact that she would be working at a bakery.. he then nodded as if he was trying to break his neck "Yes please!" but did she say share?.. Share?? "Umm.. but.. do I really have to share with them? Cant I just.. not share?" he asked cautiously.. cause he wanted the whole batch to himself.. cause he wasnt very good at sharing things.

Text Cut: Captain Selina
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
Selina was in the midst of talking to someone else when her own little firstie Quidditch player with all of his untamed energy ran up to her and hit her with his energy like a wave. Before she could even get in a hello he was spouting off how proud he was to be on the team and all of the things he had learned from her and was thanking her. She covered her mouth that was beaming at him with a bright smile. He was so adorable and she could not help but think that she must have seemed this very way to Simon when she was a first year. So excited and full of fervor. Time had really flown- she was seventeen now. What a different world then the one she had known.

Once he finished speaking, she crossed her arms and smiled down at him, "You done there, kid?" She pulled him into a hug and then pulled away just as quickly, "Thank you so much for playing on my team this term. It was fun and I had a great time teaching you. And WHEN you try out next term, we shall see about the team. You aren't guarenteed anything in life, kid." With that she ruffled his hair.

Dylan just blinked as he saw her cross her arms and ask if he was done? Yeah that was all his dad had written so he gave a small nod "Yeah" he said as she pulled him into a hug.. A HUG?!! Oh no!! she was a hugger too??! oh come on!! he just couldnt get a break from these huggers.. well the older ones.. cause there were no younger huggers from what he had seen anyways. But lucky for him it was over just as fast as it had started, phew!! he didnt know how much longer he could put up with that hug thingy! He then smiled as she thanked him too.. well his dad cause his dad wrote all that blabber.. "Yeah? Well.. I had a great time learning it all! Quidditch is the awesomest sport ever!" and that was all him.. no dad on that! He loved quidditch alot now "Oh I am gonna try out.. I will!" he nodded.. she then talked about him not being guaranteed anything as she ruffled his hair..why did people ruffle his hair? not that he was complaining.. seemed kinda fun to do it "Yeah.. I was told I has to work hard for things I want.. and I want to be on the team again.. so.. I gotta work for it" darn all this working.. classes, homework and even to make the team.. well he wanted on it.. so he would work for it.

Text Cut: Gideon
Originally Posted by Macavity View Post

Umm Mr Prefect Gideon...

Gideon heard his name coupled with his outgoing title and turned to spot Dylan coming beside him having come from speaking with Selina. The Gryffindor Dylan, the first year far more nice to be around then his older Slytherin counterpart. He listened quietly as the younger boy read of the parchment in his hands having apparently prepared stuff to say to him and the rest of the leaders. "It was nice to meet you too," he returned offering a polite smile. "And perhaps we may see each other again. However even if we may not, I hope ye enjoy the rest of yer time here. " The prefect then took the offered limb and shook the boy's hand.

Dylan beamed at the older lion as he said it was nice to meet him.. well of course it was.. who would not be glad in meeting him.. duh!! He nodded "Yeah we might!" he smiled before the older lion said they might not "Well.. I do try to make things enjoyable if they arent.. sooo that might happen actually" he nodded as Gideon shook his hand.. he had big hands compared to his! "And why would we not meet? Are you going somewhere? Like a place where only some people can go?" cause if it was a cool place then he would really like to go! Maybe he could make him take him there so that he could see the cool place and then be all secretive about it.. cause obviously he didnt want others knowing about it.. cause that could just make it uncool like.

Text Cut: Professor Secretive Bentley XD
Originally Posted by Hera View Post
This lion had enthusiasm by the bucket load, and Seren truly appreciated it. Leaning just a little bit, and checking to make sure the others were preoccupied, she whispered in the lions direction, "If I told you... it would spoil the surprise."
Yes, she was teasing the poor boy. But really, she only knew her own subject, and she wasn't about to divulge any clues at this stage.

Dylan saw her lean in and knew that he was about to know stuff that no-one else knew.. and he would keep it a secret.. yes he wo... he raised his eyebrows as she said it would spoil the surprise "What surprise?" he asked almost instantly "But.. but then how do I know if the surprise is going to be a cool thing or not?" cause that was what he wanted to know "Is it a fun surprise?" he asked more questions.. cause he needed to know as much as he could about this 'surprise' that the professor had planned. Was she just teasing him? cause he would like to know.. but then it did look like the professor wasnt going to tell him straight what this surprise was.

Text Cut: Sir Nicholas
Originally Posted by Nearly Headless Nick View Post

"Bored?" he echoed. Did the boy not know how to take a joke?
"Oh heavens, we do have things to do you know. Places to be, ghosts to see... the gossip will never die even though our hearts have long stopped beating."

Dylan nearly jumped at the echo as he spoke.. they did things? oo interesting "What kinda things do you do? Do you go around scaring people?" cause that would be a cool thing to do! "Where would you go? Do you mean like leave Hogwarts for a couple of hours?" and he was interested in gossip now too.. what did they discuss as a gossip "Gossip.. like....?" yes Sir Nicholas.. do tell more.. so that we can know too!
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