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At the sound of someone suddenly addressing her, the older Slytherin jumped slightly and looked around till her hazel eyes landed on a 4th year Slytherin sitting across from her.
"Oh hey." The girl said brightly as she smiled at the younger Snake "Olivia, right?" She asked, she didn't want to get the girl's name wrong at the last day of term.
Her eyes then roved around the cheerful table and for a moment, she felt guilty for feeling so down. "Oh, its just that, I'm graduating this term so its my last end of term feast." She explained with a sad smile "and I'm just not ready to leave Hogwarts for good just yet." After all, for the longest time, Hogwarts was home.
Olivia stifly tilted up the corners of her mouth to try and smile sweetly. She was not a rude person, but was a bit
out of practice. Smiling sweetly wasn't so bad actually, infact if felt kind of good. This was turning out to be easier than she thought.
"Yup, that's Olivia. Ohkay so your a seventh year". Now Olivia understood why someone would be upset on the last day of school, they would never be there again! Or at least not for a long time... the Slytherin tried to think of a way Cass could come back to Hogwarts again. She went into advisor Olivia mode and said
"You could be a Hogwarts professer!"