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It was just a tie, and not even one Vivi had remembered giving to the younger girl, but it obviously meant a lot to Lex, and so she just nodded and gestured to her. All yours.
"You were pretty good, and you didn't get caught when you weren't. Other than the whole... getting kicked out. Don't do that again, okay? Keep your tongue." She pulled the box of chocolate frogs out of her bag and offered it to Lex. Twenty-five frogs... all in crisp, new packaging. "Do you collect the cards?"
She was in the middle of marvelling at the prettiful tie while listening to how good she was for the year but then quite suddenly she found herself looking up at her Mama Vivi. Sure she could understand the 'don't do that again' part; it made sense, home wasn't a good place any more but
keeping her tongue? Her eyes widened a little.
"ButWhatIfThePerson'sAnIdiot???" She couldn't make promises under those conditions>.<
She couldn't, it was just too imposs--
Dear. Merlin.
If she was dreaming she'd hurt anyone who woke her up. Vivi...Vivi was...and the whole box...and frogs...and...fdvufdvcdvdu!!!!
Lex took the box.
"ThankYouThankYouThankYou!!!" She would probably get through the entire box before the feast started but that wouldn't be a problem...right...? Oh and the cards.
"Well yes and no...I keep 'em then bribe Will and Jeremy with them when I want something done." Nod.