SPOILER!!: Missus Kurumi!
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Great things. Kurumi certainly hoped that she did. It was sort of a fear of her's, not meeting people's expectations. It was something she had especially struggled with at the beginning of the term when...well...when certain things didn't happen. The Gryffindor wasn't one to expect things or assume things about herself, life had taught her that much, but the one time she had...
But now wasn't the time for her to think on that. It was done and in the end titles and all that didn't matter. Everyone was capable of leaving their mark without them and even if you had one it didn't mean you would leave a lasting impression. Everyone was capable of that. Just like the little Slytherin she was speaking to now.
"I will certainly try my best," she smiled in reply. "And I look forward to your letters." She leaned back just a bit more to look at Kat. "Hey now, this isn't good bye forever. I'll be living in London so I'll be around Diagon Alley and I can always pop in and visit Hogsmeade." Kurumi glanced over at the Slytherin table and then back at Kat. She didn't want to keep the girl from her friends and housemates, but Kurumi also didn't want to just send her away either. She was more than welcome to stay here - at least until the Headmistress did her speech.
Kurumi sort of came out of her dazed state when Professor Bentley placed a hand on her shoulder and the smell from the freshly cut flowers in the woman's hair. She probably wouldn't be smelling too many of those next term. Not with dragons and all that. "I think...I think I'm ready...I mean for what comes next," she said with a small nod towards her Head of House. "It's just getting there that is...hard."
Like getting through right now and the train ride tomorrow. She was ready for university. Ready for her first proper part time job. Ready to move in with Lewis. Ready for all the steps that were leading her to the next stage. It was letting go of the now that was hard.
Dragon keeper school? That wasn't exactly where she was going... "I'm really excited for university in Romania," she nodded. "Professor Williamson encouraged me to apply there and I think he is going to help me get an internship at a hatchery as well." MORE DRAGONS! Although her first year would be mostly theory and basic studies about dragons in a mostly non-hands on environment. Perhaps some hands on experience with dragon eggs and tours of the dragon cages to observe, but the real breeding and hatchery studies would start her second year. "Graduating doesn't feel....like it is really happening."
And there was another sad looking face. Tiffany was another one of those students who was always bubbly and smiling around her, so seeing her like this right now was really...hard.
Especially when she sat sort of far away and was just looking at her plate like that.
Small smile forming on her lips, Kurumi removed her wand again and flicked it towards one of the dancing cookies to make it dance towards the girl. Subtle way of getting her attention. "Hey Tiffany....you alright?"
Kurumi was going to have to stop looking at Daichi because doing so was making her want to cry. She had seen him cry before, but the topics had been immensely personal. The death of their mothers. His fear of fire. So, Daichi tears were not something entirely unfamiliar to her. Only these tears were. These tears were ones that were, for a lack of a better word, her fault.
And it only made it harder for herself not to cry when he said things like that.
"Daichi," she half laughed half cried. His logic made sense when you thought about it. "It's time for me to go...and I can't take you with me to university. You'll be fine and we'll still write and see each other." She would even pinky promise with him again if it would make him feel better.
She was slightly amused at how they were still tied together, but Kurumi didn't do anything about it just yet. Especially not when he was reaching into his pocket for something and... "Daichi...thank you," she smiled, biting down on her lower lip to try and stop it from quivering. She wished she had something for him. For all her friends really...but she had been so distracted and preoccupied with her own affairs that the best she could do was write letters.
Speaking of which, she had one for Daichi, but she wanted to give it to him on the train when things felt more...final.
"Help me put it on?"
.....right Nessie. Because that wasn't an obvious way of greeting someone when you were up to something. Her eyes darted between Selina and Nessie for a moment, unsure if she should say or do anything or what.
Between the two of them...it was hard to tell who was the worse liar. Probably Selina. Kurumi just knew Selina better.
"Heeeeeeeeey Nessie," she said, returning the greeting in the same manner as the Hufflepuff captain had done.
Quidditch. Cue an inward shiver from Kurumi at the mention of that. Which reminded her about Selina and a certain decision her best friend was facing... she would have to ask about that later. "Good luck with that," Kurumi said with a small nod. Quidditch. Not her thing. Brooms were meant for sweeping. "I'll miss you too."
So many changes.
Cookies. Of course. Kurumi giggled softly and as if right on cue charmed another one of the dancing cookies towards Dylan until it was spinning right in front of his face. "Sure," she smiled. Baking would always be something that she would do and if people wanted to give her an excuse to do so, well, she wasn't going to complain. "I'll be working at a bakery over the summer part time, so maybe I will learn a new recipe and send it to you to share with the other lions."
Tinka had been scurrying around the kitchen for the past hour now.
Whiskie get workout today, it did! Tinka proud of whiskie! Even though the kitchen had been bustling and busy all day to prepare for the feast, Tinka had been determined to find time for this, her personal project.
Out of thin air she appeared at the Gryffindor table bearing a small, red box. After a quick check, the elf hurried over to her favorite Prefect. Tapping her on the small of the back, Tinka waited for her to turn around.