After checking in at the Gryffindor table upon her arrival,
Seren then meandered up to the dais.
Bouncing Blueberries.
Yes, people died. And... it was a sad sad time, but did the feast need to look like a funeral procession? Seren was starkly aware that her appearance stuck out like a jagged thorn on a rose. Then again, she'd always dealt with grief in a different way, and this just happened to be it. Be bright, be floral and... get over it internally. No need to bring other people down too.
Casting a glance at the empty seats, Seren took the moment to take a deep breath before making her way around to her own seat.
"Evening... evening," she greeted with a polite bow of the head hoping that nobody would take her appearance as a sign of disrespect.
Perhaps she ought to have removed a couple of flowers from her hair and place them in front of the empty seats. But no, that'd be plain awkward.