Another year of her life.
As she made her way over to the Gryffindor table,
Alice couldn't keep the tears from welling up in her eyes. SHE DIDN'T WANT TO GO HOME. As much as she missed her Gramps, she didn't want to leave her friends. OR KURUMI. She loved her friends. AND KURUMI. And a whole three months without them.. and a LIFETIME without Kurumi? She could NOT manage that.
Kurumi was leaving her.
Alice made her way over to where there was already a little crowd of her friends gathered around a pile of cookies. That her favourite seventh year had made. It just made her want to cry more. AND. To top off the worst day ever. She had lost her rope. It was the only chance she had of keeping Kurumi at Hogwarts, by tying her to the Common Room fireplace and keeping her stuffed up there. With Walnut to keep her company, of course. BUT. She had LOST it. Which meant Kurumi was definitely leaving.
Her eyes welled up again.
Blinking back the tears, Alice took a seat next to her Hogwarts mummy.
And stared at her empty plate.
And tried not to cry.