9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev Quote:
Originally Posted by AuroraQuinn "They should put hor dourves out or something, so we don't staaarve waiting for the feast." And she didn't even have any chocolate frogs in her pocket to tide them over. SIGH. Oh well, it didn't matter because she was here with Rich and he was honestly the most perfect human being in the world in her eyes.
The hunger in her stomach turned into fluttery butterflies when he stroked her hair and she couldn't help but blush a little as he spoke. "Well... I'm not hungry anymore..." she said quietly, a huge grin on her face. She couldn't WAIT until they were in Germany together. It was already the highlight of her summer and it hadn't even happened yet... Quote:
Originally Posted by JennMarie UGH that smirk. he always gave her that stupid little smirk and he was just like STARING AT HER. "you alright there Richard?" yes Richard hmm. She eyed him as if she were confused and tilted her head to the side "you seem to be staring at me for no reason at all." she said taping her fingers on the table. yeah she could play this game too Turner.
Then he FINALLY snapped out of his daze and responded to his gross girlfriend. ugh they were so perfect for one another it was gross. and ariana would NEVER forgive him for the rumor he started about her a few weeks back. inconsiderate JERK Starve?
Richard laughed. It was one of his most sincere, sweetest laughters. Then he shook his head with a smile. ''As long as i am alive, you will encounter no such thing.'' Because he would do his best for her comfort and she knew that, right? He leaned in and placed a kiss on her cheek, where it was close to her ear. ''But if we are going to face anything that would put an end to our lives, i am glad that i have the chance to walk to the end with you.''
He simply looked at her and could not help admiring how pretty she was. She looked even prettier when she blushed. Richard liked to make her blush. It was a sight he longed to see frequently. Smiling, he put a flock of red hair behind her ear. He wanted to kiss her...so badly but he was not sure if that was a good idea when they were in the middle of a crowded Great Hall, a single table being full of staff members.
Then when he heard Ariana's voice, he unwillingly looked towards her, at where she was seated. Not that he thought she was a trouble right now, it just was not easy to look away from Aurora's beauty. Oddly enough, first he did not know what to say in reply to her words. Richard Turner had a good use of his words and he always knew what to say but this...he was not sure. He just stared for a moment before smirking a bit. ''I am perfectly fine, Ariana. Thanks for your concern.'' It was very unlikely that she was concerned about him but whatever. Sarcasm was good. ''You know, i just cannot take my eyes off you.''
Would he be pushing her unnecessarily if he also told her that it was because he was making sure that she did not spread any more diseases?
He inwardly laughed.
__________________ Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him. |